Welcome To Hannibal Middle School Library Media Center
When Can I Visit the Library? The library is open from 7:30 to 3:30 every day. The library and computer lab are open until 4:00 on Tuesday and Thursday, when the activity bus is running. During the day you may visit with a class or with a pass. You must SIGN IN when you come with a pass or after school.
Keep Your Library Beautiful! NO GUM NO FOOD NO DRINKS In the library or computer lab.
Checking Out Circulation Desk
You Can Check Out No More Than 3 Items. What? Books Magazines Reference How long? 10 school days Overnight (by special permission only)
How to Check Out? Tell worker your last name, then your first. (Spell if necessary) Worker will scan the barcode. A date due card will be put in card pocket. Magazines will have date due stamped in front. KNOW WHEN YOUR BOOKS ARE DUE
Place Items In The Return Box At the Circulation Desk You will be charged a Fine for materials turned in late.
Fines Books 5¢ per day Magazines 5¢ per day Reference Books 5¢ PER HOUR or 25¢ PER DAY Turn in your overdue book as soon as possible to STOP THE FINE FROM GROWING.
OVERDUE NOTICES Overdue and Fine Notices will be sent to your Pirate Time. - ONCE Know when your materials are due.
Billy Joe Student:
What Happens If… Your book is overdue. Your magazine is overdue. You have a fine that has not been paid. You lose your library privileges.
But I’ve Been Absent. Bring your admit slip and the overdue book to the library the FIRST day you return to school from your excused absence.
You Must Pay For Any Lost Items! If you check it out, you are responsible for it. NO EXCUSES. My dog chewed it. My neighbor’s dog ate it. Wild dingoes carried away my book.
Do You Have To Tell My Parents? Overdue and fine notices are mailed home once each quarter at the same time progress reports are sent home.
Computer Lab Teachers schedule classes into the lab.Teachers schedule classes into the lab. Individuals can come to the library computer lab with a pass on a space available basis.Individuals can come to the library computer lab with a pass on a space available basis. You may come to the library computer lab after school according to the posted schedule.You may come to the library computer lab after school according to the posted schedule.