Peter Max was in his ____________ during the 1960’s. Peter Max designs ____________. He calls his style ____________ ____________.


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Presentation transcript:

Peter Max was in his ____________ during the 1960’s. Peter Max designs ____________. He calls his style ____________ ____________. He makes art that shows the importance of human, animal, and environmental rights. twenties posters “Cosmic Sixties”

Artists think of space as the picture plane, which is the flat ________ on which they work. Artists have some techniques to make the picture plane look _______--________________. space 3 dimensional

One way to make the flat picture plane look 3-dimensional is to ____________________ objects. The object that is in front of the other looks ____________ to us. In the box to the right, draw a square, and then draw a circle behind it. Which one looks closer? __________________________ overlap The square. closer

Another way to make the flat picture plan look 3-dimensional is to use ___________________. If you place a shape LOW on the picture plane, it will look ___________ to you. If you place a shape ____________ on the picture plane, it will look _______________ from you. In the box below, draw a square LOW on the picture plane, and a circle HIGH on the picture plane. Which one looks closer? __________________________ placement The square. higher farther closer