Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University Major.


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Presentation transcript:

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University Major Open Data

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Who we are  Matthias Liffers Coordinator, Research Services, Curtin University Library  Adam Brown Software Architect, John de Laeter Centre  Brent McInnes (in absentia) Director, John de Laeter Centre Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J What we’ll cover  What we planned to do  What we actually did  What we’re doing next Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The age old problem  Current system Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J What we planned to do  Openly publish 150 mineralogical classifications  Automate this process as much as possible  Develop a modular solution that is instrument and data agnostic  Use existing, open-source products where ever possible Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Project partners  Australian National Data Service  AuScope John de Laeter Centre AuScope Grid at CSIRO  Geological Survey of Western Australia  Curtin University Library Curtin Information Technology Services Faculty of Science and Engineering Office of Research and Development Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

What we actually did

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Want to see the data?  Go RDA, AuScope or Curtin data storeRDAAuScopeCurtin data store  But we actually want to talk about the challenges we faced Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Challenge 1: Linking samples with data  Solution: Embedded QR codes printed on acid-free paper Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Challenge 2: Working with BIKA  Unwieldy  Solution: Build our own LIMS Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Challenge 3: Working with ReDBox  No easy way for LIMS to extract DOI for particular dataset  Solution: ??? Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Testimonials The easy to access heavy mineral population information, displayed in it's geographic and geological context, provides a massive level of added value to state datasets. The possibility to investigate a wide range of other geological questions has been offered by this system. I look forward to using this system and can see significant benefit for both the research and exploration communities. Dr Chris Kirkland Senior Geochronologist Geological Survey of Western Australia I think it’s a great initiative and really hope this gets off the ground…noting also that it’s unlikely Rio would be able to share data in this manner, although I really hope research institutions can. Dr Paul Agnew Chief Geologist - Technical support & technology development Exploration - Project Generation Group Rio Tinto Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J What we’re doing next  More data  More instruments  More capabilities  More industry & community engagement Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J More data  Fill in the rest of the map  Geochemistry Virtual Lab Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J More instruments Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J More capabilities  Australian IGSN register (CSIRO, GA, Curtin University) Standardising metadata formats and technology to lower the barrier to entry for other institutions  Supporting commercially, or otherwise, sensitive data  Embargo periods with automatic disclosure once lapsed Ensures more data ends up in the public arena Prevents duplicate analyses and exploration Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J More industry and community engagement  Standardised and open data straight from the instrument  Makes LIMS integration Easier Faster Cheaper Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Our vision To develop a digital information network for analytical laboratories that links researchers, laboratory analysis, sample data and customers Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Acknowledgements This project is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) and AuScope. ANDS and AuScope are supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University

Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Thank you  A moment for questions?  Want our slides? Scan this QR code and boost our metrics   Digital Mineralogy Library Project video Digital Mineralogy Library Project video Major Open Data: The Digital Mineral Library at Curtin University