Chap 20 Roaring 20’s and the Crash
This Day in History Dec. 4 th, 1945 The Senate approved U.S. participation in the United Nations.
I. Harding to Coolidge A.Harding “Return to Normalcy” 1.Laissez-faire “hands off” of business Washington Naval Conference- limit size of Navies. B. Coolidge Dawes Plan sets up a payment plan for war debts. (reparations) Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge
II. Social Changes A.Economy 1.Mass production. 2.Easy Credit
3. Advertising
This Day in History Dec 7 th, 1941 Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, starting WWII for United States
4. Assembly line (Henry Ford “Model T”)
B. Cultural Challenges , 18 th Amendment- bans sale of Alcohol. (Helped by Volstead Act) 2. Organized Crime/Bootlegging/ “Speak Easy”- Al Capone
, Scopes “Monkey Trial” Fundamentalist, literal bible interpretation (Clarence Darrow) vs. Modernist (William Jennings Bryan). John Scopes – guilty fined $100.
C. Women’s Roles change 1. “Flappers” –short hair, short skirts, and a change in moral values , 19 th Amendment- Woman’s Suffrage
D. Entertainment 1927 Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs. Jim Thorpe Charlie Chaplin 1925 Lon Chaney stars in Phantom of the Ope ra 1927 Charles Lindbergh crosses Atlantic Jack Dempsey
1927 The Jazz Singer is the First Talking Film.
1927 Winnie the Pooh 1928 Steamboat Willie.
IV. Jazz Age A. Harlem Renaissance 1.Poetry, Literature, Jazz 2. “Duke Ellington- “it don’t mean a thing” and Louie Armstrong
V. Danger signs A. Causes of Crash 1.Crop prices fall/loans going unpaid. 2.uneven distribution of wealth 3.Easy credit- too many goods, not enough money. 4. Unregulated business Herbert Hoover
B. Stock Market Crash 1. October 29, 1929, Black Tuesday, “The Crash”