Listening “Nobody ever listened himself out of a job” President Calvin Coolidge
Terms to Know Passive Active Appreciative Discriminative filter
The Rate Gap We speak words per minute We Hear 50 and Tune in and think about them. next 60, tune out and mind wander. Next 70 tune back in and think about them.
4 WAYS TO LISTEN Appreciative Discriminating Empathetic Critical
Roadblocks to Listening Tuning out dull topics Faking attention Yielding to distractions Criticizing delivery or physical appearance Jumping to conclusions Overreacting to emotional words Interrupting
Filters Education Attitude Age Biases Experiences Emotions Religion Family Physical Condition Morals
Listening Strategies Understand that Speeches or conversations have a… Beginning, middle and an end Spare time listening Explore, Analyze, Review, Search for hidden meaning