Canada in Space
1839 The first magnetic observatory Sir Edward Sabine U. Toronto Studied the Northern Lights
Avro Arrow Program Supersonic, missile armed inceptor aircraft. Designed to intercept delivery of nuclear weapons by Soviet Union following WWII Political issues – change from Liberals to Conservatives (money issues) Program was cancelled, prototype destroyed
1959 CF-105 Avro Arrow is cancelled Many Canadian aerospace engineers work with NASA –Contributed to Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs lrfGx4ncgI
1959 Black Brant 1 Class – sounding rocket (payload research instruments) Built by Bristol Aerospace in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Launched from Fort Churchill, Manitoba Sub-orbital short durations (~17 minuts)
BLACK BRANT Designed by Albertan Albert Fia Over 800 launched world wide Still in use
The Aurora borealis (Northern Lights) interferes with telecommunications of this rocket Sounding rockets are still used by CSA and NASA in sub-orbital missions
1962 Canada was the 3 rd country in space!!!! Satellite Alouette1 launched on Sept. 29, 1962
Launched by NASA at Pacific Missile Range, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California Studied the ionosphere (upper atmosphere) Lasted for 10 years before it was turned off
1969 Canadian Owen Maynard involved in the development of the Lunar module Eagle (used in NASA Apollo missions). –Designed the landing gear necessary for the first walk on the moon
1972 Telesat Canada (satellite communications company) launches Anik A1 World’s first national satellite television system CBC could now reach the Canadian North Geostationary satellite located at Equator
Geostationary orbits: Cause a satellite to appear stationary with respect to a fixed point on the rotating Earth. Allows an antenna to point in a fixed direction and maintain a link with the satellite.
1981 Canadarm (Shuttle Remote Manipulator System) launched aboard Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-2
Most famous robotic and technological achievement. Marks beginning of collaboration with NASA in manned space flight. Used for: –capturing and repairing satellites –moving cargo and astronauts in space
1984 October 5, 1984: Marc Garneau –first Canadian in space aboard Challenger Mission STS-41G
He conducted 10 experiments in 3 main categories: space technology, space science and life sciences He returned to space in 1996 and 2000 before becoming president of CSA In 2000 he installs the Space Station’s solar arrays (power for the station)
1989 The Canadian Space Agency is created
Mandate: “To promote the peaceful use and development of space, to advance the knowledge of space through science and to ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians”
1992 Roberta Bondar becomes the first Canadian woman in space aboard Discovery mission STS-42
One of 6 original astronauts selected in December 1983 Performed life science and material science experiments Is a neurologist and researcher
1995 Chris Hadfield becomes the first Canadian to operate the Canadarm and only Canadian to board MIR (Russian Space Station)
1995 First complete view of Canada compiled using RADARSAT-1 RADARSAT-1 is Canada’s first Earth observation satellite
Launched Nov. 4, 1995 Developed by Canada to monitor environmental changes and natural resources Able to acquire images of Earth day and night and in all weather
1996 Robert Thirsk flies aboard the longest shuttle mission to date
–Orbits: 271 –Duration: 16 days, 21 hours, 48 minutes, 30 seconds. –Distance: 7 million miles Spacecraft: Columbia 43 international experiments to study life and materials Investigated changes in plants, animals, and humans under space flight conditions
1997 Bjarni Tryggvason flies aboard Discovery mission STS-85 Tests Microgravity Vibration Isolation Mount (Canadian built – improves the microgravity environment for experiments/experimenters in space)
Experience has shown that spacecraft, such as the Russian Mir space station and the US Space Shuttle, do not provide the high- quality microgravity environment required for many science experiments. There are numerous causes for this deviation from the ideal "free-fall" environment such as the operation of on-board equipment (pumps, fans, thrusters, etc.), the movement of astronauts within the spacecraft, and variations in orbital characteristics such as atmospheric drag. While these disturbances are usually small and are most often not even felt by the astronauts, they can nonetheless have undesirable effects on space-based experiments. This is particularly significant for a large class of materials science experiments that involve fluid or vapour phases. The Microgravity Isolation Mount (MIM) is a unique Canadian development that improves the microgravity environment for experimenters who use spacecraft such as Mir or the Space Shuttle. The MIM uses the principle of magnetic levitation to isolate experiments from the vibrations of the spacecraft. The MIM consists of three major components: a stator fixed to the spacecraft, a flotor which floats without contact relative to the fixed stator and a control unit which houses the brains of the system. Experiments are mounted on the MIM flotor and are controlled by the MIM control unit. First MIM was sent to MIR
1998 Dave Williams becomes the first non- American to serve as medical officer on a Shuttle Flight
In June 1992 the Canadian Space Agency selected Williams as one of four successful candidates from a field of 5330 applicants to begin astronaut training.
1999 Julie Payette is the first Canadian to board the International Space Station
Chief astronaut for CSA Logged over 465 hours in space May 27 to June 6, 1999 as a crewmember of STS-96. During the mission, the crew performed the first manual docking of the Shuttle to the International Space Station (ISS), and delivered four tons of supplies to the Station. Ms. Payette served as a mission specialist, was responsible for the Station systems, supervised the space walk and operated the Canadarm robotic arm. The STS-96 mission was accomplished in 153 orbits of the Earth, traveling more than six million kilometers in 9 days, 19 hours and 13 minutes. Ms. Payette was the first Canadian to participate in an ISS assembly mission and to board the Space Station.
2001 Chris Hadfield is the first Canadian to walk in space Canadarm 2 was installed during this mission
Canadarm 2 “Bigger, Smarter, and more grown- up version of the shuttle’s robotic arm” Special purpose dexterous manipulator- “Dexter: Without Canadian robotics the ISS could not have been built This contribution guarantees Canada a minimum of one 3-month stay on the station every three years and allows access to the Station’s research facilities
The Mobile Servicing System (MSS), better known by its primary component Canadarm2, is a robotic system and associated equipment on the International Space Station. It plays a key role in station assembly and maintenance: moving equipment and supplies around the station, supporting astronauts working in space, and servicing instruments and other payloads attached to the space station. Astronauts receive specialized training to enable them to perform these functions with the various systems. The MSS is composed of the actual arm called Space Station Remote Manipulator (SSRMS), the Mobile Remote Servicer Base System (MBS) and the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM also known as Dextre or Canada hand).
2003 The Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars telescope (MOST) is launched Canada’s first space telescope and the World’s smallest Like an interstellar IPod (uses sounds to locate stars)
Carried aboard a Russian rocket Ultra-high-precision photometry –Measurement of brightness variations –Remains focused on a target for up to 2 months without interruption –Optical telescope with a 15cm collecting mirror –Housed in a suitcase sized microsatellite. Powered by solar panels
2003 Canada’s Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment aboard the Scientific Satellite SCISAT is launched SCISAT studies the depletion of the Ozone layer over Canada and the arctic
2009 July 15 –Julie Payette and Robert Thirsk are part of the largest gathering of humans in space (13) from USA, Russia, Japan, Canada, and Belgium September 30 –Guy Laliberté (poker player/entrepreneur) is the first Canadian space tourist –Spent 12 days in space –Cost: $20-35 million dollars (US)
Task Create a poster/biography on a Candian Astronaught. Include: –Full name and rank (if appropriate) –Personal data –Education –Experience –Space Experience