Objectives Formulate a proposal budget Calculate direct and indirect costs Calculate salaries and fringe benefits Identify the requirements for graduate students Identify the requirements for a collaborator Identify the indirect cost rates
Direct Costs (2 CFR 220 or A-21; 2 CFR ) Identified specifically with a particular project Indirect Costs (2 CFR 220 or A-21; 2 CFR ) Incurred for common objectives and can’t be identified specifically with a particular project aka “F&A” (Facilities and Administration) or “overhead” Costs incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances must be treated consistently as either direct or indirect (F&A) costs. Types of Costs
Salary & Fringe Generally based on FTE, percent effort, person-months, etc. Do not use hourly rates, because FSU does not maintain timesheets for project activities 3% yearly cost of living increase allowed 9 mo. v. 12 mo. appointment and health insurance for summer appointment See Facts Sheet for current fringe ratesFacts Sheet Direct Costs
Graduate Student Requirements Salary (up to.5 FTE – 20 hours/week) Fringe Benefits Workers Comp -.5 % Health Insurance Subsidy Tuition – FSU requirement for 9 hrs/semester
Equipment >$5,000 with a useful life of ≥ 1 year Travel In accordance with FSU travel policies and FL Statute Requires detailed justification Participant/Trainee Support Stipends Travel, etc. Direct Costs
OTHER Direct Costs Tuition Materials and Supplies Publications Consultants Subawards/consortiums Other
Direct Costs Subcontracts Subrecipient v. contractor determination Subrecipient v. contractor determination Subrecipient: >$25,000 excluded from F&A base Contractor: full amount subject to F&A Scope of work, budget and justification Subrecipient Commitment Form Subrecipient Commitment Form
Indirect Cost Rates: Based on sponsor, location, and purpose of project Two bases: Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) Federal and federal flow-through Total Direct Costs (TDC) State of Florida Indirect Costs
Vary by: Sponsor: Federal, State, Local Government, Water Management District, etc. Purpose: Research, Other Sponsored Activity, Instruction Project Location: On-Campus, Off-Campus, NHMFL Sponsor IDC policy See Facts Sheet for current ratesFacts Sheet Indirect Cost Rates
MTDC rate excludes: Equipment Tuition Rent (Off-site facilities) Amount of subcontracts >$25,000 Scholarships and Fellowships TDC rate excludes: Tuition Exclusions from IDC Base