Personal Financial Management in a Transition 4. Tools of an integrated, Transition Budget Over Time The three types of money – in their proper sequence: Future Present Past Non-routine expenses & emergencies Routine, daily expenses Debts Your future transition involves all three types of money and You may have unique transition expenses: Work clothes; tools; school or training; moving …. You need a plan that integrates all 3!
04_C Financial Planning Worksheet (DoD TAP)
04_D Integrated Spending Plan Money Future 04_E Annual Expenses Spending Plan 04_F Creditor Debt List Money Past Money Present
04_E Annual Expenses Spending Plan Figure out how much to start saving now! Calculate by month when an expense will be due. Money Future
04_H Net Worth Statement Second part of your money-management control documents (other than budget) Enables you to see “the money you are keeping”