Illegal Drug Effects.


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Presentation transcript:

Illegal Drug Effects

Illegal Drug Effects Target: I will be able to understand the short/long term effects of drugs on a body, and identify short/long term effects of using marijuana. Short Term Effects on the Body: Stimulants: Increased heart and respiratory rate, dilated pupils, decreased appetite, sweating, dizziness, sleeplessness, shaking, loss of coordination, collapsing, stroke, high fever (brain damage), and heart failure Depressants: Relaxation, Drowsiness, Lower Blood Pressure   Pg. 89

Narcotics: Euphoria, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, clammy skin, sleep, vomiting, depression, laziness, and mood swings Hallucinogens: Increased heartrate, blood pressure, and nausea, rapid mood swings, increased anger and aggression (violence). Inhalants: Nausea, sneezing, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, lack of coordination and appetite

Long Term Effects/Dangers of Substance Abuse: 1. Inhalants: liver and kidney damage, changes in bone marrow, permanent brain damage, spasms, oxygen level decreases in the bloodstream, coma/vegetative state, suffocation

2. IV Drugs (injected with needle) Sharing needles spreads viruses Diseases such as Hepatitis B and C, and HIV which leads to AIDS Abscesses (from dirty needles)

3. Unplanned Sexual Encounters STI’s, Unplanned Pregnancies, HIV Prostitution

4. Crimes, Violence, Deaths (Accidental and Intentional) Most homicides, suicides, and episodes of abuse occur when people are using drugs. Many deaths by motor vehicle accidents involve a person under the influence 5. Heart attacks, strokes, seizures, respiratory failure

6. No control or way of monitoring quality, purity, and strength; so there is an increased risk of overdosing 7. Increased tolerance- the body needs to get more and more of the drug to get the same effect 8. Addiction: physically and mentally dependent on a substance

9. Psychological Dependence- abuser believes they need the drug in order to feel good or function normally 10. Physiological Dependence- the body has a chemical need for a drug and will experience withdrawal without it. 11. Withdrawal- eliminating the harmful substance from your body; getting clean Symptoms include: nervousness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, chills, cramps, seizures, bowel and bladder incontinence, sometimes death Pg. 91

Effects of Drugs on a Fetus: Studies show that using drugs -- legal or illegal -- during pregnancy has a direct impact on the fetus If you smoke, drink alcohol, or ingest caffeine, so does the fetus All of the consequences of drug use that a user would experience can be passed onto the baby

If you use drugs, your fetus also feels the impact of these dangerous drugs, you’re not only putting you own life on the line but risking the health and life of your unborn baby. Babies can be born addicted to drugs and experience problems with behavior, learning, and have developmental delays.  

Physical and Psychological Effects of Marijuana Mild hallucinogen (alters your senses) Stimulant and a Depressant Reduced Coordination and slowed reaction time Lower body temperature Increased heartrate and blood pressure Change in mood (giddy to depressed) Lack of motivation, energy, and will power Paranoia- suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence. Memory Loss and Altered Brain Function

Respiratory System damage- because smoke is held in the lungs longer and deeper than tobacco smoke Weakened immune system Lowered sperm count and testosterone level Increased risk of stillbirth, spontaneous abortions, birth defects, premature babies, and low birth weight   Summary:

Impact of Drugs on a Body 1. Divide your paper into 6 sections 2. Draw a picture of one short term effect of using each of the 5 psychoactive drugs (Stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens, and inhalants). Below each picture write what is happening to the person. 3. In the last section, draw 2 long term effects of using illegal drugs.   Pg. 88

Being Drug Free Draw any 4 examples of effects of using marijuana. Then come up with 4 strategies that you could use to help you maintain a drug free life and write them down. *Use a minimum of 4 colors and good grammar* Pg. 90