Doctors: Gynecologist -What does a gynecologist doctor sell? _____________________________________________________________________ -Who do they sell to (target groups)? _____________________________________________________________________ -What factors would they care about when deciding which Ob-Gyn doctor to choose? _____________________________________________________________________ Call Opening Questions: How soon can you normally see a new patient (same-day for emergencies, or within a few days non-emergency, week, or longer)? Is it possible to set an initial consultation (a get-to-know you visit)? Are you board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology? Do you have any sub-specialties or experience with specific cases such as: Endometriosis, Infertility, (HRT) Hormone Replacement Therapy, Post Menopausal, etc.? Can most tests be conducted at your office (blood work, ultrasound, etc.)? Will a patient always have the opportunity to see an actual doctor vs. a nurse practitioner? Do you take care of the insurance processing or will the patient need to do this on their own? What age do you start seeing girls/teenagers? Are you comfortable working with people interested in In Vitro Fertilization? Do your potential clients care about some of these points-if so, could we discuss in more detail? Notes: _________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Confidential Property of Mike Centorani/Matchcraft, Inc. 2009
Doctors: Gynecologist Needs Analysis Questions: What are your most profitable/desirable types of patients? (possible headline) _________________________________________________________________________________ What % of your patients do these represent? What % would you like it to be? _____________________________________ _______________________________________ What other types of patients do you handle? Would you like more of any of these type of patients? (headings) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many doctors/technicians do you have? How many patients do they see a day (avg)? _____________________________________ _______________________________________ How many more patients (on average) could they see a day? (capacity) __________________________________________________________________________________ I know there is probably a pretty wide range, but what is the average worth for one patient visit? (ROI) __________________________________________________________________________________ WHY is your practice the best choice for someone or a family? (subheadline) __________________________________________________________________________________ Have your doctors/technicians gone through any type of board certifications? Are they professional and courteous? __________________________________________________________________________________ How far would you someone be willing to travel to visit your practice? (other directories/reach) __________________________________________________________________________________ What other ways do you try to promote your practice now? (continuity of ad messages) __________________________________________________________________________________ What is the main theme of your other advertising? Do you have any copies of ads I could look at? ____________________________________________ _____________________________________ Note: Continue to ask additional follow-up questions as well as confidence and convenience factor questions