MODULE I 0-3 months
A. Physical Milestone 1.Babies may lose a few ounces in the first few days of life. 2.The baby should be fed at least six times in a 24- hour period. 3. Depending on their size, growth rate, activity level and metabolism, bottle-fed babies take in varying amounts of formula.
A. Physical Milestone 4. Don't try to force-feed the child. For breast-fed babies, weight gain isn't the only way to know they are getting enough nourishment. 5.If the baby is having several yellowish bowel movements a day in the early weeks, the diaper is wet regularly, a lot of gulping and swallowing is heard when the baby nurses, and seems content after feeding, then they are probably getting enough.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that healthy babies always be put on their backs to sleep since back sleeping has been found to significantly reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Smart Strategy for Caregiver: Other ways to reduce your baby's risk of SIDS: Use a firm, flat crib mattress. Waterbeds, beanbags, futons pillows, and sofa cushions should never be used as sleeping surfaces. Keep loose bedding and stuffed toys out of infant's crib. Quilts, blankets, sheepskins, lambskin's or comforters can block air circulation. Ban smoking around the baby. Teach baby-sitters, daycare workers, and grandparents to place the baby to sleep on its back, even at nap time.
B. Developmental Milestone Newborns generally sleep an average of 7 hours at night and 8 hours during the day. At night, they sleep in cycles of 3 or 4 hours, moving from a light, dreamy state to a deep sleep, then back to light snoozing. Babies may whimper, suck, cry out, or make fussy noises at times. If you respond to all your child's awakenings, he'll become dependent on your help to get back to sleep. Be there to comfort him with your voice, but unless he is really crying, allow him to fall back asleep on his own.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver: The way your newborn moves from sleep to wake states (either gradually or suddenly) will clue you in to his temperament (active, quiet, or average). When the baby has had enough stimulation and becomes overloaded, he'll need your help to quiet down by swaddling, holding, or singing to him. A quiet baby will need more stimulation from you to get him involved in his world while an active baby will most need help in calming down.
C. Emotional Milestone Right now, your newborn is learning to be attentive and focus her senses. She'll look into your eyes, be absorbed by your voice and expressions, and may even try to imitate you. By 2 or 3 months, she'll smile and respond to your joy in her-you'll both be falling in love.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver: Don't hesitate to pick up your infant whenever she cries. You can't spoil her at this age. She needs your constant support.
D. Cognitive Milestone Crying is your baby's language and soon you'll be able to distinguish cries of pain, hunger, and fear, which will help you become a more confident parent. He'll turn his head when he hears your voice and he'll react to noise, motion, and light.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver: Expose your baby to different stimuli such as soft toys, music, and the outdoors so he becomes more aware of his surroundings.
E. Immunization Birth to 2 months -- The first of three doses of the Hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccine should be given by age 2 months. The second dose should be administered at least one month after the first dose. 2 months -- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DtaP) 2 months -- H. influenzae type b (Hib) 2 months -- Inactivated polio (IPV) 2 months -- Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV)