…Deaths Guide… By Yasmin Mwanza Behind the scenes
1)2) Above is a picture of tiffany briefing our Actress Angela before shooting the scene, we made sure to brief our actors before we started filming in order for them to convey the subtext. This next picture was after the briefing had taken place and Tiffany had started to film Angela, this scene took place downstairs in the living room. I made sure the lighting in the room reflected the mood we wanted to convey. 3) Tiffany as directed by myself filmed the same scene in a different position. In order to have creative shots. I was checking our storyboard to see if we had filmed all the scenes downstairs and also decided on the spot if we needed to re shoot some of the scenes and whether or not they were creative enough, for example “lets shoot the same scene again but with a close-up on Angela’s eyes”
Pictures of Filming and Directing
Make-Up This is the makeup look that we tried to go after for our actor we used a soft eyeliner pencil which was used to accentuate her eye shape. It was also used to show that she previously had, had a bad night as indicated by the alcohol. The Panda like eyes clearly reveal the characters sub-text without her having to say anything. We did makeup before we started filming and a member of the team was always at hand to give touch-ups if need be, my group and I can say that we used some aspects of below the line promotion because we didn’t have any extra money going towards hiring a professional make-up artist. Angela’s Panda eyes! The eyeliner that was used to create the effect used.