STRATEGIC PLANNING PROTOTYPE II FEEDBACK Strategy Review Team (SRT) Meetup #2 March 16, 2015 #EdVoicesRI Tweet your thoughts on Prototype II Post a photo Share your hopes for the night
2-min Meet & Greet Look back on your own childhood experience as a PK-12 learner. What’s your fondest school memory? What does that STORY teach us about this work and imagining Rhode Island education at its very best?
SRT ROLE & SCHEDULE ~Provide feedback to ADT between each prototype iteration Values The 5-7 core principles that will be the drivers of the plan and the litmus test for eventual content Priority Areas & Key Outcomes Approximately 5 high level priority areas with ~ 3 key outcomes that characterize each Strategies The 3-5 significant actions that RIDE will take over the next five years to advance each priority areas and achieve the key outcomes Established by RIDE: Measureable Objectives, Resourcing, and Operational Plans 2/2 SRT Survey: Values Feedback 3/16 SRT Mtg: Priorities Feedback 5:30-7:30p 4/27 SRT Mtg: Strategies Feedback 5:30-7:30p Late May, All Teams: Statewide Conversation to ready for local adoption and implementation 1-day 2/26 SRT Launch: Priorities Input
Values = Why? Priority Areas = What? Strategies = How?
Developing Priorities, Feb to now Quantitative Survey Results ADT Micro Interviews Big Bets Local Level RIisReady Reports Macro Level McKinsey Report Homework Indiv Priorities Big Bets ADT Pre-K Education in Rhode Island: What We’ve Heard Rhode Island Is Ready: Culturally Grounding Field Work Results ADT meetings, online collaboration and homework: reviewed draft priority statements from 2/25 reviewed big bet summaries from RIDE and SRT Provided feedback and drafted potential new priorities.
Education Exchange Hosts
VALUES EXERCISE Review & Prioritize
The Values YES TEST Is the value… 1. Close to our hearts? Does it makes you think: “Heck yes!” “Of course!” “Doesn’t this go without saying?” Can it be used as… 2. The North Star for our work? A concept so important it cannot be abandoned or ignored. “Everything we do can support and be guided by this value.” Is the statement… 3. Content neutral? Not specific to only a single part of our work meaningful to everyone, without jargon. It makes you think, “This makes sense. I don’t need specific context or explanations to understand it.”
Dot Vote Top 5 Review the revised value statements. Turn and Talk with a partner: ✓ Passes values yes test? ✓ Critical to our plan? ✓ Adds a new perspective to our work? ✓ Shared by many, both in the room and in the State? ✓ Not redundant? Place your dots on your top 5
Using our Priority Yes Test
Reviewing Priorities – Part A (5 min): Review the priority statements Individually, rank the priorities on your handout, Highest (1) to Lowest (7)
Priorities – go to table: Personalized Learning Global Competency Early Childhood Education Partnerships Resource Investment Assessment Practices Professional Learning Choose one of your top three priorities and join a table group (8 max per table)
Reviewing Priorities – Part B: In your table groups, discuss: If you could only choose 3 of these priorities, which 3 would you choose to work together to produce the greatest positive impact? Why? Is there a missing priority? Capture feedback notes on your worksheet
Filtering – Which set of priorities should make the final plan? Aligned to our values The collection of priorities should be aligned to our values and help us to realize them.
Filtering – Which set of priorities should make the final plan? Focused, Coherent, and Synergistic A few, key carefully considered actions to focus the system’s work on that, when put together, create a powerful engine for systemic improvement Priorities are tightly interrelated and complementary
What will success look like? Potential for significant impact on student outcomes The combination of priorities have the potential to make positive impact on students
Values = Why? Priority Areas = What? Strategies = How?
Who can enact the strategies? RIDE Community Partners Local Education Agencies
Strategy Defined Definition of Strategy: the major actions that will occur to advance the priorities and achieve the key outcomes. Role of Strategy: Strategies describe the bodies of work at a high-level and with clarity, but do not prescribe work plans or fine-grained tasks.
Strategy BRAINSTORM – by Priority Area In your PRIORITY table groups, discuss suggested strategies (HOW’s) needed to advance your priority statement and achieve key outcomes. Capture on chart paper provided.
Prototype 2 SRT Feedback On your own, submit your feedback using the Cycle 2 prototype survey link Complete ASAP; will close Sunday March 22 Feedback will be summarized for ADT
What’s next, after tonight… Wider Engagement for Inputs Beginning community partner convenings: “Education Exchange” Externally facilitated, run and hosted (not by RIDE!) For ADT, based on SRT feedback: Refining values, priorities Getting into strategies
#EdVoicesRI Tweet your thoughts on Prototype II Post a photo Share an appreciation, key learning, hope
Values Defined Definition of Value: a set of beliefs that have profound and enduring meaning and can (and should) be visible in every major decision we make and in the educational system we manage. Role of Values: Value statements unify our team, and later, our state around a common purpose.
What a value is NOT A big bet A key priority
Testing the Filter on Actual Examples Does “Quality teachers and administrators” pass the test? Where is the value that it’s trying to get at? How does it do with our filter? Close to your heart – the soul/foundation of the plan, strong belief, core aspiration North Star for the system – guide for all major priorities in the plan and later for implementation Content neutral – clear and understandable concept, absent of jargon, not specific to single part of education system
Developing Values: “Yes” Test The North Star for our work? A concept so important it cannot be abandoned or ignored. “Everything we do can support and be guided by this value.” 3. Content neutral? Not specific to only a single part of our work meaningful to everyone, without jargon. It makes you think, “This makes sense. I don’t need specific context or explanations to understand it.” Is the value… 1. Close to our hearts? Does it makes you think: “Heck yes!” “Of course!” “Doesn’t this go without saying?” Can it be used as… Is the statement…
Using our Priority Yes Test
Priority? Let’s discuss. Is it a priority? Priority Tests Ex. 2 – Giving each child a laptop The Action: a specific action that can make a significant impact The Data: informed by data and best practices The Umbrella: covers all the major subparts that make up the idea – it is the stand alone big idea The Balance Beam: balances a focus on future vision with present problem solving. It is aspirational and audacious.