Session 1: Introductions Course overview Technology and society Technology and consciousness Technology and education Diigo, Blogger and Wikispaces
Marshall McLuhan: “All media are extensions of some human faculty – psychic or social.” The Medium is the Massage (1968) “Any extension, whether of skin, hand, or foot, affects the whole psychic and social complex.” Understanding Media (1964)
"At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with … the property relations within which they have been at work hitherto. From forms of development of the forces of production these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an epoch of social revolution. With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed.“ Karl Marx (1859)
Moore’s Law The Digital Advantage Stages of development Adjusting the boundaries of the possible
“Only those who lived before the revolution know how sweet life can be.” - Talleyrand
We experience the world through our media / technology The world begins to look like our technology Or, our technology begins to look like our consciousness, and so becomes the world.
Every medium: Extends (Enhances) Overloads (Reverses) Retrieves Obsolesces McLuhan's Laws of Media McLuhan's Laws of Media
1. Find a partner. You and your partner will be assigned an educational technology. 2. On a sheet of paper, make a square and divide it into four quadrants. 3. For your technology, fill in each quadrant using McLuhan’s “4 Laws” model. EnhancesReverses RetrievesObsolesces
Blogs Wikis Social bookmarking
Go to su2010.wikispaces.comhttp://teched- Click on the Web 2.0 Practice link on the left side of the screen. Follow the instructions