One Team with One Voice…Serving 58 New HRD Coordinators and Directors: What You Need to Know For more information about this document, contact: Programs.


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Presentation transcript:

One Team with One Voice…Serving 58 New HRD Coordinators and Directors: What You Need to Know For more information about this document, contact: Programs and Student Services Division Workforce Continuing Education Unit

AGENDA Community College History of Meeting NC Workforce Employability Needs HRD Purpose HRD Overview HRD ‘Fit’ in 2015 – 2016 Workforce Initiatives

Big Picture: Legislative Intent NC General Statute 115D-1 The North Carolina Community Colleges System Office is designated as the primary lead agency for delivering workforce development training, adult literacy training, and adult education programs in the State.

Human Resource Development Timeline

Program Accessibility & Legislative Support G.S. 115D-5 (b)In order to make instruction as accessible as possible to all citizens, the teaching of curricular courses and of noncurricular extension courses at convenient locations away from institution campuses as well as on campuses is authorized and shall be encouraged. A pro rata portion of the established regular tuition rate charged a full-time student shall be charged a part-time student taking any curriculum course. In lieu of any tuition charge, the State Board of Community Colleges shall establish a uniform registration fee, or a schedule of uniform registration fees, to be charged students enrolling in extension courses for which instruction is financed primarily from State funds. The State Board of Community Colleges may provide by general and uniform regulations for waiver of tuition and registration fees for the following:… (13) Human resources development courses for any individual who (i) is unemployed; (ii) has received notification of a pending layoff; (iii) is working and is eligible for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (FEITC); or (iv) is working and earning wages at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty guidelines.

Tuition and Registration Fee Waiver

Waiver Guidelines HRD Waiver Eligibility Verification: Compliance requires documentation of eligibility There is no System Office ‘approved’ verification form Colleges must have a tool to capture eligibility information o Many utilize a single form in conjunction with the registration form

State Board Code 1G SBCCC HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONTINUATION Each college shall operate a Human Resources Development (HRD) program to provide assessment services, employability training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed individuals. FTE shall be generated from HRD programs. Each college shall provide HRD instruction and support necessary for unemployed and dislocated workers to be served within the college service areas.

State Board Code: HRD Core Components 1D SBCCC 300.3(f) The Human Resources Development program is designed to train integrative employability skills to unemployed or underemployed adults seeking to enter or advance within the workforce as their foremost goal. To meet that mission the HRD program is approved to offer six unique course types which speak to the core components of 1)assessment of an individual's assets and limitations, 2)development of a positive self-concept, 3)development of employability skills, 4)development of communication skills, 5)development of problem-solving skills, and 6)awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace

State Board Code: DRAFT 1D SBCCC Program Description (DRAFT) (b) Human Resources Development. The Human Resources Development (HRD) program provides skill assessment services, employability skills training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed adults. Each college shall operate a Human Resources Development (HRD) program to provide assessment services, employability training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed individuals. These courses shall address six core components: (1)Assessment of an individual's assets and limitations; (2)Development of a positive self-concept; (3)Development of employability skills; (4)Development of communication skills; (5)Development of problem-solving skills; and (6)Awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace.

HRD Purpose – Supporting Workforce Needs These courses are designed to be short-term training opportunities which address specific employability needs. Students gain valuable lessons respective to skills needed to successfully navigate job entry, retention and performance, so as to achieve the individual’s potential and contribute to the strategic direction of the enterprise. Because HRD programs are operated within the community colleges they can be built to support the workforce needs specific to the local labor market and industry sectors.

HRD Programs The SBCC has approved the following courses for the HRD program to meet these training requirements: HRD-3001Employability Skills HRD 3002Employability Lab HRD 3003Career Planning/Assessment HRD 3004Career Readiness/Pathways HRD 3005Technology Awareness HRD 3006Motivation & Retention HRD 3008Financial Literacy

HRD 3001Employability Skills This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework must address each of the six core HRD components: 1) assessment of an individual's assets and limitations, 2) development of a positive self- concept, 3) development of employability skills, 4) development of communication skills, 5) development of problem-solving skills, and 6) awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace.

HRD 3002Employability Lab This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework must address each of the six core HRD components. Instruction is designed to be self-directed, self-paced, and structured on an open-entry, open-exit basis to meet the customized needs of individuals and/or partner agencies at JobLink (One-Stop) Career Centers. The hours for this course should be counted as contact hours.

HRD 3003Career Planning & Assessment This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is designed to assess the interests, attitudes, aptitudes, and readiness as it relates to career, employment, and/or educational goals. The content of the instructional materials must focus on the following topics: personal development, career exploration, goal setting and the development of a written plan of action.

HRD 3004Career Readiness & Pathways This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is based on a specific occupation and includes one or more of the following topics: 1) career exploration, 2) entry-level competency awareness, 3) employability skills [soft skills], 4) job search strategies and 5) college-readiness skills. This course must be linked to an occupational course or a career pathways program at the college.

HRD 3005 Technology Awareness This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework and the content of the instructional materials will focus on computer use skills as it relates to: 1) developing basic keyboarding, wordprocessing and Internet skills, 2) learning technology-based job search strategies to include the use of social networking, 3) applying for employment online, and 4) accessing governmental and education resources and services.

HRD 3006 Motivation & Retention This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is based on four post employment service strategies -- transition, retention, advancement, and re-employment. Transition involves being ready to work (school-to-work, school-to-school, and/or balancing work and family). Retention involves keeping a job and staying employed (work ethics). Advancement involves attaining better jobs with performance and skill development (upgrading and retraining). Re- employment involves gaining independence through a lifetime of work (work-to-work).

HRD 3008Financial Literacy This course is designed to provide employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is designed to help students understand real-life economic concepts and economic ways of thinking that will enable them to make better informed decisions as it relates to their role as a member of the workforce. Topics include, but are not limited to wage improvement plans, workplace business concepts and basic economic literacy concepts.

Trends Across HRD Courses Course IDCourse Name Change in FTE Spring 2015 Summer 2015 HRD3001Employability Skills1, , ,118.31(221.80) HRD3002Employability Lab (127.45) HRD3003Career Planning / Assessment (67.00) HRD3004Career Readiness / Pathways (194.69) HRD3005Technology Awareness (58.32) HRD3006Motivation & Retention (30.18) HRD3008Financial Literacy (5.04) TOTALS 3, , ,636.26(704.49)

Impact to Students Entering Workforce 2014 Direct Impact 58 Community Colleges 100 Counties 4,020 Employability Skills Courses Over 1.8M hours of instruction 107,148 NC workers impacted *HRD Employability content is also embedded into many of the occupational skills training programs offered through the colleges.

2014 Impact Details 2014 Master Course IdMaster Course TitleStudentsHoursCourses HRD3001Employability Skills24,100769, HRD3002Employability Lab46,370320, HRD3003Career Planning & Assessment10,19372, HRD3004Career Readiness/Pathways12,258291, HRD3005Technology Awareness8,930265, HRD3006Employability Motivation/Retention3,36765, HRD3008Financial Literacy1,93028, ,1481,813,7724,020

Sustainability of Your HRD Program What is working and how do you know? How do you keep thriving? Who are your partners? Where is the next opportunity?

HRD ‘Fit’ – Responding to “1000 in 100” From initial beginnings focused on core topics around ‘soft skills’ HRD programs have matured to become integrative employability skills training courses closely aligned with workforce initiatives at the state and local level. opportunities to assess personal skills as they align with industry training ensuring students awareness on potential career pathways This duality of focus, core employability skills and career assessment/readiness, ensures that the HRD programs have the ability to provide students with a comprehensive toolkit for employment.

HRD ‘Fit’ – Alignment with State Initiatives HRD provides a key connection between college workforce training and NCWorks collaborations specifically in connecting students through training to Division of Workforce Development – NCWorks Online. This responds to the Align4NCWorks Strategic Plan Goal 2, Objective 2.A. Action Steps 2.A.iiIncrease the number of students enrolled in NCWorks Online AND 2.A.iiiExplore opportunities for increased collaboration between community college employability training/career services and NCWorks Career Centers

HRD ‘Fit’ – Critical to Pathways to Credentials Whether through College designed pathways, NCCCS programs (Basic Skills Plus), State level grants (NEG-JDI), Private grants, or Federal initiatives (WIOA, TAAACT) HRD programs provide infrastructure support to the outcomes of training, credentials and employment.

HRD – NC Workforce Readiness HRD was an experiment seen as an answer to business and industry calls for work readiness training – “employability skills” Today – HRD is the NC response to the business and industry call for work readiness training. A response that is scaled through the community colleges to reach across the state.

Question and Answer Session