DO-LISTEN-WATCH-SAY A Book for Social and Communication Intervention for Children with Autism By Kathleen Quill
About this Book Provides intervention guidelines that specifically addresses social and communication skills Focuses largely on the preschool and young elementary ASD student Book is divided into 5 major areas: 1. Perspectives on autism 2. Assessment of social and communication skills 3. Methodology 4. Curriculum Guidelines 5. Resources
Table of Contents Chapters 1 and 2—Characteristics of Autism Discusses the cognitive, communication, social, and ritualistic behavior in autism Behaviors are describes through vignettes that shed light on the student's learning perspective Chapter 3—Assessment Provides an assessment of the child’s functional, social, and communication skills The assessment includes a set of questionnaires and checklists that can be completed through interview, observation, and/or direct sampling The assessment is designed to assist in the development of goals and objectives
Chapters 4 and 5—Intervention options to Build Social and Communication Skills Presents a systematic framework for planning intervention strategies An eclectic approach is described based on best practices and developmentally appropriate activities Strategies are classified as: 1.Organizational supports 2.Social supports 3.Visually cued instruction 4.Augmentative and alternative communication supports Detailed lessons, scenarios, and vignettes are used to help in the understanding of the implementation of these strategies
Venn Diagram of Do-Watch- Say-Listen Typically developing children
Venn Diagram of Do-Watch- Say-Listen Children with Autism
Chapters 6,7,8 The final 3 chapters include: Curricular activates to build the skills addressed in the assessment Provides an activity sheet that corresponds with a subskill listed in the assessment tool’s checklist Lists specific behavioral objectives, activities, and suggestions to assist the acquisition and generalization of target skills Chapter 6-Nonverbal Skills Offers detailed suggestions to build nonverbal social interaction, imitation, and organization Chapter 7-Play Skills Describes activities to enhance solitary play, social play, and group play Includes a “Play Interest Survey” that helps to identify motivators for children with autism Includes a “Social Play Task Analysis” that can be used to help determine the child’s level of interaction with toys, activities, peers, and adults Chapter 8—Functional Communication Offers suggestions for building functional communication skills, socioemotional skills, and conversational skills Includes a “Communication Skills Progress Sheets” to record the student’s communication attempts