Benefits of Abstinence. Definition of Abstinence Abstinence can be defined as choosing to refrain from all sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse,


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Presentation transcript:

Benefits of Abstinence

Definition of Abstinence Abstinence can be defined as choosing to refrain from all sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse, oral and anal sex YOU CAN CHOOSE ABSTINENCE EVEN IF YOU HAVE HAD SEX BEFORE – IT IS CALLED SECONDARY VIRGINITY!!! Abstinence is the only 100% effective means of preventing pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Benefits of Abstinence Free From Pregnancy Free from the pain of having to give your baby up for adoption Free from the physical and emotional problems associated with an abortion Free from Sexually Transmitted Diseases Free from the risks and side effects of the pill, or other contraceptives Free to know you have not damaged your (or someone else’s reproductive health)

Free to pursue life goals Free to enjoy being a teenager without pressure Free from marrying too soon Higher Self Esteem Emotional Safety You have a precious gift to give your future husband/wife Able to develop a relationship not based on only the physical, but instead on the whole person…. They like you for YOU!!! ANY MORE???