ILC Test Facility at New Muon Lab (NML) S. Nagaitsev Fermilab April 16, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

ILC Test Facility at New Muon Lab (NML) S. Nagaitsev Fermilab April 16, 2007

S. Nagaitsev2 Location New Muon Lab

S. Nagaitsev3 New Muon Lab Building

S. Nagaitsev4 Rough S2 Schedule

S. Nagaitsev5 NML plans The NML is being constructed to address primarily the S2 R&D list –However, our plans go beyond S2. We would like to include elements of S4 R&D tasks (crab-cavities), diagnostics development, personnel training, and accelerator R&D. –The NML facility is staged (1 CM, 2 CMs etc); when complete, it would include 1 (or 2) rf units running ILC-like beam at 5 Hz. The S2 schedule of having phase 1.3 complete at NML in 2011 is quite challenging –Only early stages of NML (up to 2 CMs) are well planned –3 CMs (1 rf unit) requires building an extension tunnel and a new cryo-plant –The progress is resource limited, thus the schedule has to stretch to accommodate the scope

S. Nagaitsev6 Outline of our plans Cryomodule delivery –1 st (Type 3+) cryomodule is planned to be delivered in fall, 2007 –2 nd (Type 3+) CM – summer 2008 –3 rd (ILC Type 4) CM – Mid FY09 –Replace all three CMs with ILC Type 4+ in FY2010 The NML facility will start as a Cryomodule Test Stand in FY07-08 FY08: add beam; start civil construction of the building extension Convert to an ILC RF Unit beam test facility in FY11

S. Nagaitsev7 NML Schedule (Phase-1) Phase - 1 (FY07 thru early FY08) –Prepare Facility for Testing of Capture Cavity II (CCII) and 1st Cryomodule (CM1) without Beam Building Infrastructure (AC Power, Water, Air, Mechanical) Electrical Infrastructure (Racks, Trays, Cables) Build Cave to Test these Devices (~ 3/4 of Full Cave) RF Systems (3MW for CM and 300kW for CCII) Cryogenic System (1st Refrigerator, Feed Can, Feed Cap, End Cap, Distribution) Control Room LLRF, Controls, Safety Systems, Instrumentation (non-beam) –Move CCII from Meson Detector Building (MDB) to NML Cool-down and Power Testing

S. Nagaitsev8 Phase 1: 1st CM (end of CY07) Capture cavity 2 in its final location for the injector Type 3+ cryomodule A used 3-MW Klystron, 10-MW, 1.5-ms modulator CC2 RF system

S. Nagaitsev9 NML Schedule (Phase-2 & 3) Phase - 2 (FY08) –Testing of 1st and 2nd Cryomodule without Beam, Prepare Facility for Beam Receive, Install, Power, Cool-down 1st Cryomodule Install New Gun and Relocate Injector to NML Extend Cave Install Beam Lines and Dumps Install Additional RF Systems needed for CCI and Gun Receive, Install, Power, Cool-down 2nd Cryomodule Begin Building Extension needed for Phase-3 Phase - 3 (FY09) –Testing of Full RF Unit with Beam Complete Building Extension Begin Testing with Beam Install 3rd Cryomodule Upgrade Cryomodule RF system to 10 MW

S. Nagaitsev10 Proposed NML Injector Layout P. Piot (CC-1, CC-2) (intended initially for ILC crab cavity tests) 22m

S. Nagaitsev11 Two CMs with beam The existing building is perfect for testing two cryomodules with ILC-like beam. The building can be extended to fit 3 cryomodules.

S. Nagaitsev12 Building extension Construct a new building ~50m away from NML. Connect by a tunnel when schedule allows. Move loading dock. ILC-like tunnel, space for 3 more cryomodules Room for a new cryo-plant

S. Nagaitsev13 New Cryo Plant Temporary cryo system (being installed now): New Cryo plant –Must be flexible to allow a wide range of heat loads, including 5-Hz operation –Must meet specifics of the ILC operating temperature levels of 2.0 K, 5 K, and K –Long lead time Requires a 15m x 25m building; the plan is to combine it with the NML extension. Engineering studies complete, have a quotation.

S. Nagaitsev14 NML FY07 Accomplishments Removal of CCM –Completed Removal of Chicago Cyclotron Magnet (CCM) –Filled in CCM Pit (~10’ deep) with Concrete Prepared Building Infrastructure –AC Power Distribution/Network Cabling –Relocated Piping, Cable Tray, Duct Work –Cleaned out Building, Epoxy Coated Floor –Began Preparation of Control Room (New ceiling, paint) Alignment –Installed Deep Rod Monuments (DRM’s), Established Align. Network –Began Installation of Water Level System Test Facility –Began Installation of Cave and Electrical Racks for Phase-1 Cryogenic System –Installation of Refrigerator-1 and Piping Continued –Installed Storage Tanks

S. Nagaitsev15 ILC Test Facility at NML NML During Removal of Chicago Cyclotron Magnet(CCM) (September, 2006) NML Facility after CCM Removal and Floor Painting (February, 2007)

S. Nagaitsev16 Remaining Work in FY07 Complete Installation of: –Cave –Electrical Racks, Cable Trays, Pull Cables –Cryogenic System for CCII –Control Room Install –RF Systems and RF Distribution for CCII and CM-1 –Water Cooling System –Safety, LLRF, and Control Systems Install Capture Cavity II –Move from Meson Detector Building (MDB) –Connect RF Power and Cryogenics –Begin Testing/Operation

S. Nagaitsev17 Current Picture of NML Facility