June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise IHE Resources to Facilitate Implementation Kevin O’Donnell Toshiba Medical Systems Co-chair, IHE Radiology Planning Cmte
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 2 Your Mission Go Digital (data & workflow) Develop an Integration Plan Address Organizational Goals Find Vendors Who Can Meet Your Needs Get Your Vendor on the Same Page with You Get Your Vendors on the Same Page with Each Other Implement in Steps, Incorporating Legacy Systems Make it Work (if you choose to accept it…)
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 3 Some Obstacles Many Standards, Many Moving Parts Detailed Expertise Required Mapping Solutions across multiple vendors Technology-Oriented Options Complex Documentation Incompatible Implementations
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 4 Your Tools IHE Integration Profiles IHE Technical Framework IHE Integration Statements IHE Connectathon Results IHE Users Handbook
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 5 Integration Profiles Fundamental Building Blocks of IHE A bundle of Integration: Defines a clinical integration need Documents use cases Defines the Actors and Transactions involved Selects appropriate standards Works out tricky details Guides vendor implementation Basic Units of User-Vendor Communication …
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 6 Technical Framework All the details Volume I – Integration Profiles Defines Integration Profiles Identifies Actors & Transactions Clinically oriented, still includes technical detail Volume II (& III) – Transactions Clear Implementation Guide for Vendors This is the meat. It’s OK to be a vegetarian…
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 7 Integration Statements Direct product claim by the vendor Lists profiles, actors, options Short & Sweet
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 8
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 9 RFPs & Integration Statements Be Brief? “The system must support DICOM” Be Effective? “The system must support the following DICOM services according to the following 100 pages of specifications” Be Both: “The system must support IHE Scheduled Workflow as an Acquisition Modality” Integration Statement Version 2.1 of the Jupiter 3 CT supports IHE Scheduled Workflow as an Acquisition Modality
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 10 IHE Connectathon Massive Cross-vendor Testing One week; dozens of vendors; thousands of tests Opportunity to find/resolve issues Participation is Voluntary Litmus test not a pre-requisite or certification Engineering event Huge Congregation of Engineering Talent Project Management by Mallinckrodt Pre-Validation Tools (MESA) Defined Test Protocols with Verification
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 11 IHE Connectathon Managed by the IHE Sponsors
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 12 Connectathon Results Published at and NOT Product Certification Demonstration of Engineering Competence Recent Connectathons IHE-North America in January 2005 (Chicago, IL) 45 Vendors, 110 Systems, 300 Engineers, 22 Profiles IHE-Europe in April 2005 (Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands) 62 Vendors, 98 Systems, 230 Engineers, 23 Profiles IHE-Asia Connectathon in Feb 2005 (Yokohama, Japan) 30 Vendors, 70 Systems, 8 Profiles
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 13 Radiology Users Handbook (2005 Edition) “Using IHE” for purchasers, system integrators & users Real-world scenarios: Acquiring a modality Acquiring a RIS Acquiring a PACS One Chapter per Scenario Two Parts per Chapter Purchasing & Implementation Background Material in Appendices
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 14 Radiology Users Handbook Selecting IHE Profiles; Making the Business Case Based on goals (e.g. reducing errors; increasing throughput) Identify Profiles that contribute to each goal Enumerate concrete benefits Find products that support those Profiles Specify Profiles in an RFP Installing & Operating IHE Systems Leverage electronic workflows Install & Configure the systems Do Acceptance Testing Interface with non-IHE systems
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 15 IHE Users Handbooks Included in the Workshop CD Feedback is strongly encouraged Watch for future Editions More Domains – IT Infra, Cardiology, Lab More Scenarios – Workstations, etc More Profiles
June 28-29, 2005IHE Interoperability Workshop 16 More information…. IHE Web site: Technical Frameworks & Supplements Forums Public Comment Feedback Non-Technical Brochures : Calls for Participation IHE Fact Sheet and FAQ IHE Integration Profiles: Guidelines for Buyers IHE Connect-a-thon Results Vendor Products Integration Statements