Unit #7
Explain the different lab group roles and their associated responsibilities. Understand the pre-lab, lab, and post-lab procedures. Differentiate between the different parts of a recipe and why each part is essential to recipe success.
Topic #1
Pre-Lab (Before)Lab (During)Post-Lab (After) Pre-heat the oven if necessary. Assist sous chef with preparation work that needs to be accomplished for the recipe. Workspace: Clean-up leftover food (cover, label, and put in the refrigerator) Plug in stand mixer and/ or blender. Prepare food.Dining Space: Serve food to lab partners. Help carry dishes to the sink. Make sure all chairs a pushed in. Get out pots, pans, and/or bakeware necessary to prepare your recipe. Put food in the oven if necessary. Begin to boil water if necessary. Remove food from the oven and transfer to cooling rack or pot holders.
Pre-Lab (Before)Lab (During)Post-Lab (After) Make sure that all necessary dishes and utensils are on the tray to gather ingredients. Begin preparation work for the recipe (ex. Cutting vegetables) Put washed and dried dishes in their appropriate cabinets and drawers. Gather ingredients from the supply cart. Assist head chef with any cooking procedures that are needed for your recipe. Make sure that the sink is drained and dried out. Begin to put washed and dried dishes away in the appropriate cabinets and drawers. Put wash cloths in laundry basket.
Pre-Lab (Before)Lab (During)Post-Lab (After) Set-up tray with all necessary dishes and utensils for gathering ingredients. Set table with appropriate dishes and utensils. Workspace: Clean and dry stove top, counter tops, and microwave oven (inside and out) with sanitizer spray. Clean dining table with sanitizer spray Assist the sous chef with any preparation work that needs to be accomplished for this recipe. Dining Space: Clear dishes to the sink after your group is done eating. Clean and dry dining table with sanitizer spray. Begin to dry dishes that have been washed and put in the drying rack.
Pre-Lab (Before)Lab (During)Post-Lab (After) Check to make sure that the previous class left all dishes and utensils were left clean and dry, left counter tops and sinks clean and dry, wiped out microwave and stove tops, all dishes and utensils were put away in the correct cabinet and drawer, and make sure that all counter-top appliances are clean. Wash dishes and utensils as their use is no longer needed for the lab. Check to make sure your lab members left the shelves are clean and dry, all dishes and utensils that belong in that cabinet are present, dishes or utensils that shouldn’t belong in that cabinet are taken out and put in their proper location in cabinets A, B, E, F, and G. Retrieve dish cloths and rags.Put washed dishes and utensils in drying rack. Check to make sure your lab members left the drawers clean and dry, all utensils that belong in that cabinet are present, utensils that shouldn’t belong in that drawer are taken out and put in their proper location. Start dishwater.Make sure that the stove top, countertop, and microwave oven is clean and dry. Make sure that the dishwater is drained, the sink is clean and dry, and the washcloths are in the laundry basket.
Topic #2
Who fills it out? Sous Chef When does it need to be turned in? 1)The day before the lab at the end of the class period. 2) After the lab has been completed stapled to your work plan and evaluation forms. How do I fill it out? Use the ingredients and the measurements of the recipe you are preparing. Organize the ingredients according to the different categories on the grocery list.
Who fills it out? Head Chef When does it need to be turned in? After the lab has been completed stapled to the grocery list and evaluation. How do I fill it out? Use the directions portion of the recipe you are preparing. Organize the different steps into the grid provided and the responsibilities of each lab member.
Who fills it out? Cleaner When does it need to be turned in? After the lab has been completed stapled to the grocery list and work plan. How do I fill it out? Answer the questions on the sheet based on your lab groups performance during this lab.
Who fills it out? All lab group members. When does it need to be turned in? At the beginning of the next class period. How do I fill it out? Answer the questions provided on the exit slip based on the recipe you prepared and the background information from your guided notes packet.
Topic #3:
Recipe: A set of directions for making a food or beverage. Recipes are useful, from beginning to expert cooks.
A well-written recipe offers six types of information: 1) List of Ingredients 2) Yield: ▪ The amount of the number of servings that the recipe makes. 3) Cooking Method, Temperature, and Time 4) Container Size and Type 5) Step-by-Step Directions 6) Nutrition Analysis
When using a recipe for a baked good, it is important to follow the directions and exactly and use the exact measurements. This will ensure that your final product will come out properly. When using a recipe for something that is cooked, it is important to follow the directions and measurements, but if you do not follow them exactly your final product may still turn out well.
BAKING: You can make adjustments to baking recipes by adding a similar ingredient to the recipe by omitting or reducing the other ingredient. Example: Chocolate chips can be replaced easily with peanut butter chips COOKING: You can make adjustments to cooking recipes by leaving out or swapping out an ingredient and adding a completely different ingredient Example: Not including onions in a stir- fry.