What Are Energy Drinks??? Beverages: Red Bull, Venom, Jolt, Monster, Red Line, Rock Star…. Contain large doses of Caffeine 80mg-175mg PER SERVING...(37mg in can of Mountain Dew, 23mg in can of Coke) Contain other legal stimulants Ephedra, taurine, guarana, ginseng…. Each of which contain more “caffeine” Contain large doses of sugar Monster= 54g/can…nearly 20% of daily Carb intake Some do have sugar free drinks
Possible Effects of Energy Drinks Increased heart rate Heart palpitations Increased blood pressure Insomnia Increased stress/Anxiety Nervousness/Irritability Dehydration
Other Ingredients in Energy Drinks Ginseng- enhances effects of caffeine Guarana- chemically equivalent to caffeine Ginkgo Biloba- blood thinner Taurine- amino acid found in bile B Vitamins- many health benefits See Article for full description of Ingredients! Ingredients: Ginseng: the inability to sleep other side-effects can include nausea, diarrhea, euphoria, headaches, high blood pressure, low blood pressure. Guarana: Chemically equivalent to caffeine. Ginkgo Biloba: Thins blood, may increase concentration…also may cause increase risk of bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, and restlessness. Taurine: Despite being present in many energy foods, it has not been proven to be energy-giving. A study of mice hereditarily unable to transport taurine suggests that it is needed for proper maintenance and functioning of skeletal muscles. B Vitamins: play important roles in cell metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, enhance immune function, promote cell growth and division… such as potatoes, bananas, lentils, chile peppers, tempeh, liver oil, liver, turkey, tuna, Nutritional yeast (or brewer's yeast) and molasses and tomatoes.
Energy Drinks 1. What is the name of the Energy Drink? 2. What does the energy drink promote? Is there a target audience or group that the drink is promoting to? 3. What does the drink say that it does for its consumer? 4. Is there a motto? What is it? 5. List the serving size, number of calories, caffeine, sugars, and carbohydrates. 6. List the ingredients that your group is not familiar with. 7. If your drink has a warning label, please identify that warning. 8. Overall, would you buy this product? Why or why not, please explain.