PA Employment Project “Employer Focused Employment Grant” Presenters - JANET D. FIORE & Emily Coder, The Sierra Group Foundation
2 21 Years of Experiences
PA Employment Project “Employer Focused Employment” Employers Mentoring Employers to Increase Competitive Employment for People with Disabilities Statewide, multi-year initiative to reduce the stigma and increase the hiring and cultural inclusion of people with developmental and other disabilities Facilitated by grantee, The Sierra Group Foundation Grant funding via PA Developmental Disabilities Council Project model objective is to enable PA employers to lead and mentor one another through sharing and learning, and through deliberate collaboration with Agencies (OVR/ODP, etc.) and Community Service Providers who represent job candidates.
4 Engage more than 20 exemplary employers to serve as peer mentors to others who recruit and hire Train 500 employer representatives, webinar attendance of 700, and 1200 viewers of the rebroadcasts of Employer Focused Employment sessions Drive up employment results (hiring)of people with disabilities in PA Engage Agency and Community Service Provider Collaboration with business via training for staff at Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of Developmental Programs, and State Civil Service office Provide electronic access to project information and the “Tools” developed to more than 15,000 PA employers Our Project Goals include…
Trainings and Accomplishments to date… 5 Started in April EIGHT live training events led by Employer Mentors, facilitated by The Sierra Group Foundation trained in excess of 375 guests 4 ‘hires’ have already resulted 6 onsite mentoring experiences have occurred Employer Mentor/Project Partner at UPENN committed to quarterly ongoing trainings for staff and businesses Employer Mentor/Project Partners at COMCAST developing a regional group of companies with ERG’s to continue to mentor, learn and entice hiring of People with Developmental and other disabilities
6 Collaborations
7 APSE Conference
8 Business Partner presentations
KPMG Disability Mentoring Day Hiring Event “Coffee, Chocolate & Conversations”
11 HIRING & Disability October 1 st – Breakfast & Happy Hour!
Beneficial Bank Comcast CVS Caremark Empirical Consulting Solutions InspiriTec Jackson Lewis Liberty Resources, Inc. Lowe’s Home Centers, Inc. Nobis Works Philadelphia Business Journal Studley, Savillis Temple University TEVA Pharmaceuticals Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals University of Pennsylvania Zarwin, Baum, DeVito, Kaplan, Schaer, Toddy, P.C. City of Philadelphia Mayor’s Comm. on Disabilities City of Philadelphia, Councilman Oh Job Accommodation Network (JAN) The Sierra Group Academy PA Business Leadership Network (BLN) PA OVR – Philadelphia District Office Philadelphia Employment Forum Typical Life Corporation (TLC) Governor’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry/Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Montgomery County DD Office Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association (RCPA) Join our Growing List of Business and Agency Partners
13 Project Contacts: JANET D. FIORE & Emily Coder President, The Sierra Group Foundation, or x264 Academy office