TRAINING WORKSHOP UZBEKISTAN J. EDUARDO LÓPEZ PEREIRA Director of ACSUG since 2009 General Director of the Galician Universities General Secretary of the University of Coruña University Professor since 1990
Degree Qualifications University TOTAL UDC USC UVI Total Master’s University TOTAL UDC USC UVI Total PhD University TOTAL UDC11516 USC14243 UVI12324 Total38083 Verification
BRANCHCYCLEUDCUSCUVITOTALUDCUSCUVITOTALUDCUSCUVITOTA Arts and Humanities Degree Master’s Sciences Degree Master’s Health Sciences Degree Master’s Social and Legal Sciences Degree Master’s Engineering and Architecture Degree Master’s TOTAL QUALIFICATIONS MONITORED BY ACSUG
MODIFICATIONS TOTAL UniversityDegreeMaster’sDegreeMaster’sDegreeMaster’sDegreeMaster’s UDC USC VIGO TOTAL
Pilot Scheme CYCLEUDCUSCUVITOTAL Degree54312 Master’s2215 Total76417 Accreditation
Evaluation of the IQAS designs 1st Assessment process: nd Assessment process: rd Assessment process: th Assessment process: 2011 UDCUSCUVIUDCUSCUVIUDCUSCUVIUDCUSCUVI TOTAL
Labour Market Integration Diplomas/Graduates/Technical engineering/Engineering/Architecture/Architect Technician/Degrees Graduate cohorts Year survey made PopulationSample% Surveyed Year of publication of results ,4715, % ,7004, % ,1087, % ,2805, % ,6894, % ,2164, % ,8464, % ,9225, % ,2895, %Forecast 2014
Teaching staff accreditation Evaluation/YearEvaluations completed TOTAL2395
Teaching staff salary bonuses Evaluation/YearEvaluations completedTotal scores awarded TOTAL
International partnership activities ENQA: ACSUG was already a candidate member of ENQA in 2007, and following its admission as a full member in 2009 EQAR: ACSUG became a member of EQAR in 2010 ECA: in 2013 ACSUG applied and was accepted to become a member of the European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ECA) CANQA: ACSUG participated in a European Union Tempus project related to the Central Asian Quality Assurance and Accreditation Network (CANQA) over the period , assisting with the introduction of Quality Management Systems in the countries of this region
EVALUATION OF UNIVERSITY CENTRES OUTSIDE THE SPANISH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ACSUG is evaluating the quality of university centres in Peru, where it has already evaluated 9 centres of the University of San Martín de Porres (USMP) 4 centres of the Néstor Cáceres Velásquez Andina University (UANCV). We are shortly to begin the evaluation of another 11 centres at this university. The San Luis Gonzaga de ICA National University (UNICA) with whom we have signed a framework agreement, and a training workshop was held at ACSUG in 2013