STUDY EU Integrations and Attitudes of Population in Vojvodina About EU Master Study Az új EU mesterképzés kidolgozása és megvalósítása az újvidéki Gazdaságtudományi és Mérnöki Menedzsment Tanszéken, Újvidék, november 28. Priprema i akreditacija novog EU master studijskog programa na Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment, Novi Sad, 28. novembar (HU-SRB/0901/221/170)
1 Most important factor 6 The least important factor
1-Most important factor; 6- The least important factor Total Price 71 23,5% 54 17,8% 34 11,1% 32 10,4% 25 8,5% 86 28,9% % Quality of education 75 24,9% 66 21,9% 50 16,5% 41 13,5% 39 12,8% 31 10,4% % Quality of professors 10 3,0% 28 9, ,9% 74 24,7% 84 27,8% 50 16,6% % Opportunity for getting job 39 13,0% 51 17,1% 54 18,1% 89 29,4% 47 15,4% 22 7% % Needs of the Marketing 9 3% 44 14,7% 67 22,1% 39 22,1% 80 26,1% 59 19,7% % Recognition of Diploma ,1% 58 19,1% 40 13,0% 28 9,4% 24 8,0% 52 17,4% %
1 Most important factor 6 The least important factor
1 – Most important factor; 6 – The least important factorTotal Students exchange 32 10,7% 25 8,6% 25 8,6% 24 7,7% 27 8,7% ,7% % The possibility of getting job abroad 49 16,4% 53 17,8% 39 12,8% 39 12,8% ,6% 15 4,7% % Professors from EU countries 11 3,4% 22 7,4% 57 18,9% ,5% 55 18,2% 12 3,7% % Quality of knowledge that can be reached 45 15,1% 39 12,7% ,1% 48 15,7% 19 6,4% 18 6,0% % Diploma 41 13,8% ,3% 29 9,4% 29 9,4% 50 16,4% 26 8,7% % Price ,6% 36 12,1% 22 7,4% 17 5,7% 38 12,8% 61 20,5% %
1 Most important factor 6 The least important factor
Comparing the responses of students in different fields of education Χ 2 test Students exchange Sig = 0,09 Possibility of getting job abroad Sig = 0,06 Professors from EU Sig = 0,055 Quality of education Sig = 0,93 Diploma Sig = 0,092 Price Sig = 0,693 No statistically significant differences
This event has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.