The Cold War under Eisenhower
New Leaders
Truman vs. Eisenhower (New Look) “Containment” – George Kennan Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine Berlin Airlift NATO NSC – 68 Korean War “Brinksmanship” – John Foster Dulles Massive retaliation HUGE LIMITS “On the brink” of nuclear war Mutual Security Agreements Domino Theory CIA – spies Eisenhower Doctrine Identify some glaring flaws with Dulles’ policies
Asks USA for help Ike says NO USSR will stop at nothing for Eastern Europe Uses CIA Hungarian Uprising People of Hungry have revolted and overthrown Communist Gov. Ask USA for help. What should Ike do? What do you think he did?
Identify US involvement in these regions
Involvement in the Third World – Iran and Guatemala Iran – OIL Mohammed Mossadegh – makes oil private (Soviet Friendly) Cuts off USA US supports Mohammed Reza Shah Rahlavi Shah of Iran returns to power – friendly with the West WHAT ARE THE FUTURE EFFECTS OF THIS ON THE USA? Guatemala – Land Gov. gives lands to peasants = communism CIA trains army Army leader becomes dictator
Geneva Summit Temporarily divide Vietnam Ike continues supporting South Vietnam SEATO (South Eastern Atlantic Treaty Organization) – symbolic
Suez Crisis Adbel Nasser is neutral Dulles doesn’t like it seizes Suez Canal France and GB ally with Israel – USA NO Eisenhower Doctrine Protect middle east
The Space Race: Sputnik 1 – 0 USSR
First man in Space: 2 – 0 USSR
U-2 Spy Incident (1960) Camp David – Khrushchev and Ike meet CIA makes secret flights over USSR, U-2 planes (after they said no) Bad secret USSR knows Francis Gary Powers is shot down by USSR USSR is angered Ike lies and doesn’t apologize Tensions are at an all time high
Impact of Eisenhower: Did the policies of Eisenhower make you feel safer? Narrow Minded (No Morality) Escalated Arms Race Escalated Tension Neutral Not safe Safe