R EUNIFICATION : B RIANNA Presented by: Shana Burgess, Jessica Emig, Sarah Payton, Effie Rothwell, Jeana Smith.


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Presentation transcript:

R EUNIFICATION : B RIANNA Presented by: Shana Burgess, Jessica Emig, Sarah Payton, Effie Rothwell, Jeana Smith

F AMILY H ISTORY Brianna age 7 and lives with maternal biological grandparents and her two aunts. Brianna’s mother is working with Children’s Division for reunification this has been going on for 2 years. Brianna has suffered from sexual trauma and injury. Brianna’s father is currently in jail and has not been a part of her life. Brianna does well in school, but difficult to handle at home.


D IAGNOSTIC A SSESSMENT Presenting Concerns: Constant defiance, lack of respect, and mood swings with grandparents. Problem Behaviors: Tantrums, controlling, uncooperative, and aggressive behaviors. Parenting Techniques: Behavior charts, adding chores, and removing privileges. Brianna’s strengths is she is intelligent, has a support system, and receiving services. Brianna’s risk factors: mom is bi-polar and may not be taking medication, new living situation with mom and possible boyfriend, and mom possible drug relapse.

A SSESSMENT M ULTI -A XIS D IAGNOSIS Axis I: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Axis II: V71.09 No Diagnosis or condition Axis III: None Axis IV: Problem with primary support group, Problems related to social environment Axis V: GAF 55 Current

T REATMENT P LAN Goal One: Decrease daily fighting at home Objective: Work on regulating with Brianna which will increase her capacity for self-control as well as her attention span and assist in her ability to control her emotions. Evaluation: The DECA will be used at 6 months as well as 12 months to gauge changes in behavior. Goal Two: Learn about appropriate touch and having control over one’s own body Objective: Learn about red light, green light touches by including psycho-education in Theraplay. Evaluation: The DECA will be used at 6 months as well as 12 months to gauge changes in behavior.

T REATMENT P LAN Goal Three: Decrease the effects of the sexual trauma Brianna experienced as a young child Objective: Use directive Play Therapy to allow Brianna to process and work through the sexual trauma she experienced as a child. Evaluation: The DECA will be used at 6 months as well as 12 months to gauge changes in behavior. Goal Four: Rebuild attachment with Mom Objective: Use Theraplay techniques and games to work on rebuilding the relationship with Mom, and to being to form attachments between Mom and Brianna. Mom will participate is most Theraplay sessions as a way to prepare Brianna for reunification. Evaluation: The DECA will be used at 6 months as well as 12 months to gauge changes in behavior.

T REATMENT P LAN Client Strengths/Resources : Brianna has a support network comprised of her maternal grandparents as well as two aunts that she currently resides with. She is still in school and has assistance in completing her homework. Goals: Begin Play Therapy, specifically Theraplay with grandparents and Mom Additional Comments : Brianna's Grandmother completed The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment or DECA and the scores highlighted a number of concerns such as self-control, attachment and her total protective factors score was very low. Her scores were also concerning in the area of emotional control problems, attention problems, and aggression. All of these areas can be addressed through the use of Play Therapy as well as through education of the Mom and Grandparents. If everyone is working together to provide support to Brianna she will be able to reach the goals listed above. A trauma assessment was also completed by the Grandmother which indicated that Brianna has been exposed to a number of traumas which are most likely a large part of the reason she is having so many difficulties. To gauge change we will administer another DECA at 6 months and 12 months. Recommendations for additional referrals: Family Therapy for the Grandparents and Mom without Brianna to work on how they are managing each day and address their concerns. Mom can take parenting classes such as Love and Logic at CAPA. Educating Mom about the effects of the trauma's Brianna has experienced and how she can help will be an important part of repairing their relationship.

P OLICY I NTERGRATION Kinship Care- Kansas Relative Placement for Foster Care and Guardianship Citation: Ann. Stat. §§ (p); Effective April 6, 2010 The term ‘kinship care’ means the placement of a child in the home of the child’s relative or in the home of another adult with whom the child or the child’s parent already has a close emotional attachment. If the court has ordered the child removed from the custody of his or her parent(s), the court shall enter an order awarding custody to: The goal is still reintegration with mom but its been 2 yrs with not much progress. A relative of the child or to a person with whom the chiId has close emotional ties who shall not be required to be licensed. Brianna is placed with her Maternal grandparents

P OLICY I NTEGRATION C ONT.… Any other suitable person- There has not been any other identified source that would be suitable for Brianna A shelter facility- Brianna has lived with her Maternal grandparents since being removed from moms care. Brianna also spend frequent times with her grandparents before Brianna was taken from mom. A youth residential facility- Brianna has never been in a PRTF The secretary if the child is age 15 or younger, or age 16 or 17 if the child has no identifiable parental or family resources or shows signs of physical, mental, emotional, or sexual abuse Custody awarded under this subsection shall continue until further order of the court. Requirements for Placement with Relatives Citation: Ann. Stat. § A relative of the child or to a person with whom the child has close emotional ties who receives custody of the child shall not be required to be licensed under Chapter 65, Article 5.

P OLICY I NTEGRATION C ONT …. Adoption And Safe Families Act of P.L (ASFA) ADOPTION AND SAFE FAMILIES ACT ASFA is a federal law and rules have been implemented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families to interpret the provisions of ASFA. Missouri relies on federal funding from Title IV-E of the Social Security Act to fund foster care and other programs related to children. Initially, much of the requirements of ASFA were not a part of Missouri law per se, however, many of the provisions of ASFA have now been enacted in Missouri. Failure to comply with the requirements will result in reduction or loss of federal funding. CORE REQUIREMENTS: The first court order removing the child from the home must contain a judicial determination that continuation of the child in the home is contrary to the welfare of the child. The best practice is to MAKE

P OLICY I NTEGRATION THIS FINDING IN THE INITIAL EX PARTE ORDER PLACING THE CHILD IN ALTERNATIVE CARE. See Rule Within 60 days of removal of the child from home, there must be a judicial determination of ”reasonable efforts” to prevent removal. Section This time period coincides with the requirement that the adjudicatory hearing be held within 60 days of the removal of the child from home as required by Section However, the best practice is to MAKE THIS FINDING EITHER IN THE INITIAL EX PARTE ORDER PLACING THE CHILD IN ALTERNATIVE CARE OR IN THE ORDER ISSUED AFTER THE MANDATORY PROTECTIVE CUSTODY HEARING, WHICH MUST BE HELD WITHIN 3 DAYS OF REMOVAL, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Section See also Rules and Within one year of the child entering foster care and annually thereafter, there must be a permanency hearing, and there must be a judicial determination related to reasonable efforts to finalize the permanency plan. Section Certain situations permit DFS to be relieved of the obligation to make reasonable efforts to reunify the family. Section Certain situations require that a Termination of Parental Rights petition be filed to expedite permanency.

R EFERENCES acement.pdf andbook/Juvenile_Generally/AdoptSafeFamAct.htm