Please grab a copy of the 2009 AP Exam & your scantron From the front table. Also…. turn in your quiz buy-back (if you didn’t yesterday)
Today’s Agenda Reminders for AP Exam Study resources Finish released AP Exam Final Exam MC test corrections Homework: Study as much as possible for the AP Exam!!!
Countdown The AP Exam is Monday!! Remember – the FRQs could be about anything
Please grab your Final Exam FRQs CAREFULLY read any notes that Wheeler wrote you
AP Exam reminders Bring #2 pencils AND black/blue pens If wearing AP shirt – cover up names on front (proctors won’t allow potential answers) Bring picture ID (ASB card and/or driver’s license) Show up AT LEAST minutes early Make sure you eat a good breakfast & lunch Get a good night’s sleep Pace yourself If you have extra time – USE IT to check your answers
Study Resources (over the weekend) FRQs Final Exam FRQs List of released AP Exam FRQs (you used them for the Final Exam) Multiple Choice 2004 AP Exam (everyone needs copies) 2009 AP Exam (finishing it today) 2007 AP Exam (took it over spring break) Textbook Study Guide book Old tests & quizzes Other books, guides, apps, websites…
Released AP Exams Over the weekend: For every question that you missed or were unsure of: Look-up & memorize all the names, terms & concepts in them. You cannot review too much Make sure you get lots of sleep!!!
2009 AP Exam When you finish – bring it to Wheeler to grade/check-off. Final Exam MC test corrections AFTER you’ve finish the 2009 AP Exam – grab your Final Exam. Test corrections are due Tuesday Make sure you complete them before Monday (otherwise they won’t help you on the AP Exam)
Question #9 The DSM-IV organizes each psychiatric diagnosis into five dimensions (axes) relating to different aspects of disorder or disability: Axis I: Clinical disorders, including major mental disorders, learning disorders and substance use disorders Axis II: Personality disorders and intellectual disabilities (although developmental disorders, such as Autism, were coded on Axis II in the previous edition, these disorders are now included on Axis I) Axis III: Acute medical conditions and physical disorders Axis IV: Psychosocial and environmental factors contributing to the disorder Axis V:Global Assessment of Functioning or Children’s Global Assessment Scale for children and teens under the age of 18