Multiple Organ Detection in CT Volumes using CNN Week 3 REU Student: Elizabeth Cole Mentor: Sarfaraz Hussein
Progress Organ annotations Attempt to get other organ segmentation data FaceNet face identification paper
Organ Annotations 151 Total 40 people/26% done; 4 organs per person Split between 5 people Difficulties due to indistinct organ boundaries, irregularities in organs, qualities of CT scan, different people sizes
Previously Segmented Data Attempts to obtain liver segmentation data from Sliver 07; linked to MICCAI 2007 Time delay in registration 47 liver segmentations from Shape 2015; endorsed by MICCAI Difficulties opening files Cannot use due to solely liver, not full body scans
Google: FaceNet CVPR 2015: Florian Schroff, Dmitry Kalenichenko, James Philbin Face recognition, verification, clustering Map faces onto compact Euclidean space Triplets: two matching faces and one non-matching face Separate matches by a distance margin 99.63% accuracy = Labeled Faces in the Wild 95.12% accuracy = Youtube Faces Database Reduce DeepFace error by almost half
Future Work Finish enough organ annotations to begin training Get other forms of organ segmentation data Training CNN