ADINA (Biomedical Applications)
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 3 Introduction ADINA R&D, Inc. (USA) was founded in 1986 by Dr. K. J. Bathe (Author of “Finite Element Procedures) and associates. FEM (Finite Element Method) & FVM (Finite Volume Method) for the analysis of solids, structures, fluids and fluid flow with structural interactions coupling with Multiphysics. ADINA was released in December ADINA ADINA (Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis)
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 4 Introduction ADINA-AUI: ADINA User Interface program ADINA-Structure: Finite Element program for Solid and Structural analysis ADINA-CFD : CFD program for Incompressible and compressible flows ADINA-Thermal: Heat transfer analysis for solid and field problems ADINA-FSI: Fully coupled analysis of fluid flow with structural interaction ADINA-TMC: Thermo-mechanical coupled analysis ADINA-M: ADINA Modeler for solid modeling CAD Interfaces: Import parasolid, NASTRAN, IGES
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 5 Introduction ADINA-AUI(pre/post-processing) ADINA-Structure ADINA-CFDADINA-Thermal ADINA-TMCADINA-FSI ADINA-M (3-D solid modeling) Incompressible/compressible flows Turbulent flows (K- , K- , SST, SA, LES, DES) Conjugate heat transfer Mass transfer VOF Electrostatic effects Thermal coupling Specular radiation Heat transfer analysis of solids and field problems (Radiation, Conduction, Convection) Piezoelectric analysis, etc. Static/dynamic analysis Highly nonlinear problem Large displacement/strain Contact analysis (impact, metal forming) Frequency/modal analysis Fracture analysis Buckling analysis Fully coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction including multi-physics phenomena Fully coupled Thermo-mechanical coupled analysis (Internal heat generation due to plastic deformations of the material, Heat transfer between contacting bodies, Surface heat generation due to friction on the contacting surfaces) CFD package TMC package FSI package
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 6 Structure ADINA - module - - Linear/Nonlinear Stress Analysis in Statics and Dynamics (1 to 5milion equations) - Contact Analysis (Multi-Body, Self Contact) - Frequencies/Modes Analysis - Modal Superposition - Modal Stress - Modal Participation Factors - Linearized Buckling - Collapse Analysis - User-supplied material models, loads, elements, friction models module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 7 ADINA - module - CFD program for the analysis of compressible and incompressible flow with moving boundaries and automatic remeshing capabilities - Steady-state or transient analysis - Laminar or turbulent flow - Flows with or without heat transfer - Mass transfer - VOF (Volume of Fluid) - Electric-Static effects - Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation - User-supplied material models, boundary conditions Structure module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 8 ADINA - module - - Heat transfer problem in solid and structures - Radiation between surfaces of arbitrary geometries - Element birth-death options - Capabilities for highly nonlinear material behavior - Electrostatic, seepage and piezoelectric analysis - Latent heat effects (e.g., freezing and melting conditions) - Coupling to ADINA - User-supplied material models Temperature field of turbine casing, convection boundary conditions Thermal analysis for SAW (Submerged Arc Welding), multipass butt weldment Thermal module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 9 ADINA - module - Fully coupled thermo-mechanical analysis - Piezoelectric analysis (with user-supplied subroutines) - Soil consolidation analysis A thermo-mechanical problem can include: - Internal heat generation due to plastic deformations of the material - Heat transfer between contacting bodies - Surface heat generation due to friction on the contacting surfaces Applications - Piezoelectric actuators - Disk Break system - Development of piezoelectric fiber composites Temperature band plot (Reference: Paolo Gaudenzi, Kalaus-Jurgen Bathe, “Recent Applications of an Iterative Finite Element Procedure for the Analysis of Electroelastic Materials”, Fourth International Conference on Adaptive Structures, 1993) TMC module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 10 ADINA - module - Fully coupled analysis of fluid flows with structural interactions including mass transfer, thermal, porous, electric static coupling (Multi-physics) - Entirely different meshes can be used for structure and fluid - Large deformation - Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation Applications - - Automotive Systems (Shock Absorber, Fuel Rail, Hydro Mount etc.) - Biomedical Applications - Nuclear Power and Pipe Systems - Compressors, Pumps, Impeller, Turbine - Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) FSI module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 11 ADINA - FSI FLUIDS Structure Solving the flow field and extracting the pressure forces upon the structure Calculating the structure deformation due to external and internal forces Fluid Structure Interaction Automatic exchange Between the solvers Boundary conditions at fluid-structure interface ADINA-CFDADINA-Structure Following results can be obtained; -Structure: stress & deformation, reaction force, velocity, etc. -Fluid: pressure, velocity and vorticity, etc. module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 12 ADINA - FSI Structure model -Lagrangian coordinate system -Primary unknown: displacement Fluid model -Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian coordinate system -Solution variables: fluid variables (pressure, velocity, etc.), displacement Kinematic and dynamic conditions Kinematic conditionDynamic condition : No-slip condition : Slip condition Fluid forces : the virtual quantity of the solid displacement module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 13 ADINA - FSI inletoutlet V Pipe (flexible) Force Fluid-Structure Interface Rigid wall module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 14 Application ADINA-FSI 를 이용한 혈액주머니 안의 비정상 혈액 유동에 대한 시뮬레이션 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 15 Progressive Failure of Lumbar Discs Finite element model of the disc and its surroundings module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 16 Progressive Failure of Lumbar Discs Different components of load as a function of time (one cycle shown) module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 17 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 18 Aortic Valve( 대동맥 판막 ) module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 20 모세관 내의 적혈구 / 백혈구 모세관을 통과하는 작은 입자 ( 적혈구, 백혈구 ) 의 시뮬레이션 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 21 혈관 혈액 유동 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 22 맥류에서의 혈액 유동 (Simulation of Blood Flow through an Aneurysm) 맥류를 통과하는 혈액 흐름 시뮬레이션 module FSI Introduction module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 23 유체 - 구조 연성 해석 - 심장수술 임상실험 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 25 Artificial Lung Analysis module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 26 뇌하수체 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION D MR Flow in Thoracic Aorta module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 28 대뇌 동맥류 module FSI Introduction Application
CAE ENGINEERING TOTAL SOLUTION 29 Carotid Atheroma Rupture module FSI Introduction Application