Book Trailer Project Conceiving, designing, creating an audio visual promotion of a chosen fiction book in order to encourage others to read it. Lucia Ravi EDUC8464 – Assignment 2, Part 1 Year 8 Curriculum Learning Areas Technology and Enterprise English
Students Prior Knowledge Technology and Enterprise Have had an introduction to basic functionality of MS Movie Maker software; Can organise and locate files in folders and enter data into simple Word and Excel templates. English Have been introduced to some key terminology for naming and exploring writing conventions associated with fiction; Have self selected and read a fiction title from the Children’s Book Week 2011 nominated reading list that they were interested in.
3 Consecutive Lessons Week 1:Week 2:Week 3: Introduce concept of book trailer (samples) Introduce purpose of product and design principles to consider Provide a framework for translating students chosen fiction to a book trailer Introduce copyright issues and license types for audio-visuals; Assist to identify appropriate sources for audio-visuals and referencing of sources Support in beginning process of sourcing organising content Review movie maker editing features to ensure students have skills to complete project. Provide initial support in use of movie maker to bring audio-visual, textual and other effects together for book trailer project.
Time Considerations Two hour lesson slots initiated in this school to allow instruction and dedicated work time; Student commitment to complete set task as homework between each lesson; One to one PC lease school so no resource access issues;
OUTCOMES: Conventions, Processes & Strategies Ideas are explored through interplay of setting, plot, character Features of visual information text LESSON STEP View sample book trailers to gain an appreciation of the conventions of this type of visual text. Define what a book trailer is as well as developing a design brief.
OUTCOMES: Conventions, Contextual Understandings Strategise to gather and organise information; Text are written for different purposes with different conventions and structural features used to construct order and meaning. LESSON STEP Identify key elements of chosen book to promote –Key moments in plot –Key characters –Key ideas explored Select types of visual and audio elements that may convey to use in their book trailer and acknowledge correctly
OUTCOMES: Nature of, Creation & Use of Information How choice in information can affect meaning; Common terms associated with information products; Ways to make and adapt information products and processes given a design brief. LESSON STEP Bring together images, audio and text into movie maker to convey intended meaning for a specific audience; Ensure overall cohesion of end product both in terms of meaning making and output of a refined end product.
Week 1: Lesson Resources and Assessment Week 1: Lesson Week 1: Resources Week 1: Assessment Outputs Introduce concept of book trailer (samples) Introduce purpose of product and design principles to consider 60 minutes Introduce and begin process to translate chosen fiction to book trailer format 60 minutes Book Trailer Worksheet: Definition Design principles Book Analysis template: Pull out key narrative elements Link to possible AV content, search terms and descriptive words and phrases. Completed worksheet in groups in class time Use of story elements terminology to describe their story Completed Book Analysis Activity.
Week 2: Lesson Resources and Assessment Week 2: Lesson Week 2: Resources Week 2: Assessment Outputs Introduce copyright issues and license types for audio-visuals; 30 minutes Assist to identify appropriate record keeping processes for acknowledging content providers. 30 minutes In class time to begin to source AV content and record and organise. 60 minutes Audio-visual copyright handout: Definitions key terms; Creative Commons sites activity AV Register template: Importance of acknowledgement; File naming and folder organisation Creative Commons Licenses Activity group participation Completion of task of sourcing AV content and properly recording and organising. Above completed as homework in own time.
Week 3: Lesson Resources and Assessment Week 3: Lesson Week 3: Resources Week 3: Assessment Outputs Review movie maker editing features to ensure students have skills to complete project. 45 minutes Provide class based support in using Movie Maker to create Book Trailer. 1 hour and 15 minutes Moviemaker software: Student accounts Book trailer template sample pages Instructions for converting end product to output file and file location. Assessment checklist and peer review criteria. Class participation in review of Movie Maker. Significant progress made towards compiling Book Trailer in Movie- Maker during class. Output of end product and all related files by agreed end date – completed as homework.