Group 5 Group Name : Apple Three NameSchoolTel. 1Teh Long PangSJK(C) Chong Hwa Seri Medan Lim Wee LungSJK(C) Chong Hwa Seri Medan Tiew Boon TiongSJK(C) Yong Peng Wong Yook ChenSJK(C) Yong Peng Chee Li FernSJK(C) Cheng Siu Loke Siau ThianSJK(C) Cheng Siu Group Intro
Setting up a small business ( Entrepreneurship ) PBL Topic and learning goal(s)
NoObjectiveThinking SkillActivity/Product 1Determine the types/ product to be sold -Remembering/ Understanding - Survey 2To identify procedures to procurement of goods - Applying- Find the sponsor 3Set up the sales plan.- Analyzing- Price - Place - People - Product - Time 4Action plan / gantt chart for implementation. - Creating-Advertising -Form community - Committee At the end of the project, the participating students are expected to : Learning objectives
Brief description or your PBL Student from school will setting up a small business on how sell goods. The student are expected to determine the types or product to be sold. Then, they have to identify procedures to procurement of goods. The students need to create and set up a sale plan.The project will be conduct in 2 months.
Analysis on your participating students -Year 5 student - 20 student - 5 group of 4
Setting up a small business ( Entrepreneurship ) StepsTeacher, facilitation Role / person needed MaterialsOutputEvaluation 1. Team-up-Group strategies - Worksheets -Member of group - Teacher Worksheet 1 ( Name list of member ) 5 Group of 4
Setting up a small business ( Entrepreneurship ) StepsTeacher, facilitation Role / person needed MaterialsOutputEvaluatio n 2) Determine the types/ product to be sold - The customer of goods want to sold. - Identify the goods for sale. - Determine the source of the goods. -Suppliers - Shop - Store Worksheet 2 -Type of goods - 1. bread - 2. cake -List of suppliers -1. factory -Identified for sale to students and teachers of the goods characteristics -Classification of goods according to needs, love and ability -- Determine the sale of the goods. - For the definition of the vendor -Select suppliers Worksheet 4 Collection provider information such as : Price, quality, Transport,
Setting up a small business ( Entrepreneurship ) StepsTeacher, facilitation Role / person needed MaterialsOutputEvaluation 3. Set up the sales plan and preparation of goods - - The customer of goods want to sold. - Identify the goods for sale. - Determine the source of the goods. Suppliers - Shop - Store Camera, video cam Investigation and analysis of market demand Worksheet 4 Collection provider information such as : Price, quality, Transport,
iii) Set up the sales plan. How to sell: Vend, stalls Identify the necessary information in poster Information needs to be in the poster is product, place, date, time and price Prepare a sales plan form iv) Action plan / gantt chart for implementation. Produce goods to be sold
Setting up a small business ( Entrepreneurship ) StepsTeacher, facilitationRole / person needed MaterialsOutputEvaluation 3. Group discussion - Monitoring- Session team leader recorder, coordinator Worksheet 5Reports Mind map Analysis of students' group concluded 4. Write the reporting - Format of the report- Group discussion A4 paperReports Mind map Rubric 5. Presentation- How to use PPT- PresenterComputer, PPTPPT filesRubric