1 Everyday Swim Islington Staff Survey Start of ES to End of ES
2 Staff Survey 1 (Start of ES) As the Islington project was looking to bring "the gym culture to the pool", staff were surveyed in the early stages of the project to see their attitudes to swimming and the 'wet' side of the business. 28 staff members responded with a range of managers, sales, lifeguards and leisure assistants. 32% had been swimming in the last 4 weeks, 25% rated their swimming ability as 'high' or 'very high'. 'No interest' & 'lack of time' (both 32%) and 'prefer other ways of keeping fit '(29%) were the main barriers for staff to participate. The more time in the week the staff member spent on the 'wet' side, the more likely they were to be a regular swimmer. Almost a third suggested that the 'wet' side of the business was not being maximised. Lifesaving (50%), Snorkelling, Triathlon (both 39%) and coached and drop in lessons (36%) were the most popular things staff would like to see on the programme.
3 Staff Survey 2 (End of ES) The second survey (n = 53) was conducted in March 2009 at the end of the ES project. 85% were aware of the ES project, 60% had been swimming in the last 4 weeks and 72% rated their swimming ability as 'high' or 'very high'. The ES project aimed to open up training opportunities to staff in order to deliver effective 'wet side' sessions and results outlined that 19 different training courses have been attended by Aquaterra staff during ES. Over a third (38%) had been on an ES training course and 28% stated that they had a higher skill set to deliver 'wet' side programmes. Staff thought that adult swimming lessons (62%), children's swimming lessons (54%) and children's holiday programmes (50% had seen the biggest improvement in delivery through ES.
4 Comparison