Embedded Computer Architecture 5SAI0 Multi-Core Programming and Design Space Exploration Lab Assignment 1 Luc Waeijen 16 Nov 2015
Multi-Core Assignment ●Provided –Sequential AES implementation ●Goal –Tune application and multi-core x86 system to achieve lowest Energy-Delay-Area Product (EDAP) ●Design Space –Number of Cores –Cache levels and sizes –Reorder buffer size –Functional units –...
Tools of the Trade ● Sniper Sim
Tools of the Trade ●Sniper Sim –Interval Simulator –Tool to analyze performance of multi-core systems –Cores themselves are modeled on a functional level –Memory, number of cores and frequency (i.e. the system level) can be configured ●McPat –Integrated Power, Area and Timing modeling framework –Integrates with Sniper Sim toolflow ●OpenMP –Framework to parallelize source for multicore platforms
How to get started ●Check the website: ●Follow the preparation steps on the website ●N.B. Extract the application source in the correct directory!! Sniper Sim uses relative paths in it's Makefiles!! ●READ the guidelines page ●For the tunable parameters, check the sniper-manual (in particular chapters 5 & 6). ●The website also explains how to extract the energy, delay and area metrics from the tools
Make sure you understand what you tune! ●Read the sniper sim manual to understand the configuration options ( ●Procedure (for report): –Profile the application, identify bottlenecks –Try to improve the mapping/system ● Document what you tried and what you were expecting –Show the results. Did your solution work? If not, try to explain why. ●Try to obtain the minimum Energy-Delay-Area-Product (EDAP).
Forum ●Please use the forum to ask your questions!! ●(we do NOT answer questions by ) ●Use a topic title that captures your problem as accurately as possible (i.e. not 'code not working' or 'Help!!!'). ●Before you ask, check if someone else had a similar issue. Also posts of previous year are there. ●Remember Google is your friend, it can typically provide answers much faster than the TAs ●If you want to talk to a TA, send us an to make an appointment.
Forum ●Please use the forum to ask your questions!! ●(we do NOT answer questions by ) ●Use a topic title that captures your problem as accurately as possible (i.e. not 'code not working' or 'Help!!!'). ●Before you ask, check if someone else had a similar issue. Also posts of previous year are there. ●Remember Google is your friend, it can typically provide answers much faster than the TAs ●If you want to talk to a TA, send us an to make an appointment.
Deliverables ● Report of max. 4 pages, > 11 pt font size. (Two column layout is allowed) ● Describe the steps taken to find the best Energy-Delay-Area-Product (EDAP). ● What did you tune, what was the expectation, did it work, why (not)? ● Report should be PDF and in English
Lets build some encryption!