By Richard Rodriguez US Soccer Federation Referee Program Instructor Mentoring
OBJECTIVE: This class will focus on what a mentor is and why officials should seek out a mentor to improve their soccer officiating career. In order to understand both concepts a definition of mentor needs to be established.
Mentoring A mentor is an advisor or guide. The goal of a mentor is to empower the person they are working with so that they can develop their abilities to the fullest extent. Mentoring is a fundamental form of human development where a subject matter expert invests their time, energy and personal knowledge to assist the growth and ability of another person.
Who are they? Older & Experienced Referees. Referees who can help the younger referee understand the USSF referee development program.
Mentoring Formal & Informal Mentoring
Formal vs Informal
Formal Mentor A formal mentor is someone assigned to work directly with the younger referee on a longer term basis. These individuals shall meet on a regular basis to discuss game situations, advancement opportunities, etc.
Informal Mentor An informal mentor may be a senior official that the younger official feels comfortable with and contacts when necessary to seek advice or information. It’s important that the informal mentor is not in conflict with the formal mentor.
Mentoring MENTOR COUNSELOR Mentoring should not be confused with counseling…
The Mentor A mentor goes beyond a counselor... Develops a relationship with the mentee by becoming: - a confidant, - someone who shares experiences - a friend, - and more.
The Mentor A good mentor has the ability to listen more and talk less... A good mentor helps the mentee develop both personally and professionally. A good mentor will develop a mentee to have the highest standards of performance.
Mentor Duties Mentors perform a variety of duties which include: Setting high performance expectations: Offering challenging ideas, Building self-confidence, Offering friendship, Listening, Teaching by example, Offering wise counsel, Encouraging, Inspiring, Assisting/developing high ethical standards. This approach allows the younger officials to advance to their highest potential.
Mentor A mentor must devote a substantial amount of time to be successful… Must keep up with the latest: Changes - Laws of the Game, Updated USSF directives, Position Papers, USSF Mechanics and techniques. Local League Rules
Communication The information being provided by the mentor must be fact based and not opinionated that may taint the young official. The mentor must understand the younger officials needs and work toward a successful ending.
Mentee Responsibilities To make the program successful the mentee: MUST… be willing to listen and learn. have patience during mentoring. SHOULD… have no fear of failure or change. be most willing to instigate change. work with mentor to correct problems and improve skills. utilize the mentor to help develop self confidence. They need to know that change is not immediate and takes time to work on new techniques, change behaviors, etc.
Performance “Gaps” Every referee makes mistakes or improper judgment decisions...
Performance “Gap” The key is when this occurs, the mentee works with the mentor to make the situation a teaching moment so that they learn from it and improve so that a similar situation does not occur in the future.
Closing the “Gap” The Mentee Must take responsibility for the mistake and develop new skills to prevent it happening again. The mentor Must work with the Mentee to analyze the problem, determine what the “performance gap” was. TOGETHER They must develop a plan of action for closing the “gap.”
SUMMARY Mentees: Must remember that a mentor is not a rescuer. Must take responsibility for their own actions. Can improve based on their own skills and abilities. Must work with the mentor to develop new skills to their highest potential. Mentors: Use their experiences, insight, and wisdom to help the younger official. The mentor is there to help through situations.
SUMMARY A formal mentor is… someone assigned to work directly with the younger referee on a longer term basis. - a confidant, - someone who shares experiences, - a friend A mentor develops a relationship with the mentee by becoming:
SUMMARY A Mentor must keep up with the latest: Changes - Laws of the Game, Updated USSF directives, Position Papers, USSF Mechanics and techniques. Local League Rules
Good Luck! the Best Mentor You Can