Portugal has only one neighbor: Poland has many neighbors: Germany Lithuania Russia Slovakia Ukraine Czech Republic Portugal has only one neighbor: Spain Poland is bordered by the Baltic Sea. Portugal is bordered to the north, west and south by the Atlantic.
Capital : Warsaw Official language: Polish (not a Latin language like Portuguese) Coin: Zlóti (the country belongs to the EU, but unlike Portugal, they don’t use the euro). Religion: as in Portugal, it is Christianity Political Regime: in Portugal and in Poland there is a Republic.
In the north of the country - lowlands and only the south is with mountains. To the south, the country is separated from Slovakia by the foothills of the Carpathians. The Mountains Tatras, have over twenty mountains above two thousand meters and the highest point is Rysy Peak (2500 m). Find out: What is the highest point in Portugal? (it’s an archipelago in the Atlantic)
Carpathian mountains
Lagoons in the mountains
1047 Km – Vístula is the longest and largest river in Poland One of the most famous Portuguese rivers are linked to the history of the cities of Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia. Find out its name! 1047 Km – Vístula is the longest and largest river in Poland
Poland Traditional costumes This is in Portugal:
They have colorful buildings
interesting places
Find out: What’s the name of the capital of Portugal?
typical dishes Barszcz Bigos They eat things a little different, but it appears to be tasty
Moose (we don’t have this animal in Portugal) Animals Black Stork Moose (we don’t have this animal in Portugal)
(we don’t have this animal, too) Woolf European Bison (we don’t have this animal, too) Brown bears
Famous people from Poland We studied these people in school and we learn that they are from Poland
FIND OUT: This Pope came to Portugal to pay tribute to the Virgin of a sanctuary that saved his life. You know the name of the Virgin?
Largest statue of Christ in the world In Portugal there is also a statue of Christ. Find out what town is this building.
Easter Eggs – a present at Christmas (beautiful tradition
Salt mines
Is there any Portuguese player in Poland? this Polish goalkeeper played at FC Porto. Is there any Portuguese player in Poland? Józef Mlynarczyk
It was interesting to research on Poland. We found a lot we did not know. Portuguese and Polish don’t have many differences. There are two cultures with similarities and both countries are beautiful. Poland has more mountains and funny animals.
Good Bye!!! Adeus!!! do widzenia Ísis, Igor, Ana – Class 5J