How to create a thesis statement. (it’s totally simple) fancy picture
What is a thesis statement? It’s a sentence or two in the introductory paragraph of any essay.
What does it do? It outlines what’s coming in the essay.
For example... It’s a summary. It boils everything in your essay down to one sentence. It organizes the information in your essay. It’s a guide for your reader.
3 doors down. All the thesis statement does is outline the three body paragraphs in an essay. Whatever’s listed first becomes he first body paragraph. 2nd is 2nd. 3rd is 3rd.
So, you’re writing an essay. (aren’t you special.)
Here’s what each part does. Let’s make it simple. Break your essay into 5 sections. Introduction { Body Here’s what each part does. Body Body Conclusion
Here’s what each part does. A little more simple. For a narrative essay, it might look like this. Grabs the reader’s attention. Outlines the essay. Introduction { Body The story begins. Here’s what each part does. Body The story builds up. Body The story ends. Reinforces the story. Asks the reader to recall the facts. Conclusion
{ The Simplest. But here’s what that really means. Outline Tell me what you’re going to tell me. { story Tell me. Let’s simplify a little more. story Tell me. story Tell Me. wrap-up Tell me what you told me.
So, how do we make the thesis statement? Take the information and break it into topics. THESIS STATEMENT Tell me what you’re going to tell me. TOPIC 1 Tell me. TOPIC 2 Tell me. TOPIC 3 Tell Me. wrap-up Tell me what you told me.
It might look like this. The Incredibles is a story about a family of superheroes who must learn to work together in order to serve justice, overcome their own fears, and accept that no one should have to spend life feeling alone. THESIS STATEMENT TOPIC 1 TOPIC 2 TOPIC 3
Make a list on your paper. THESIS STATEMENT TOPIC 1 TOPIC 2 TOPIC 3
How do I do it? Reread your essay. Make a list of the three major topics. Do it now.
Tie them together. The simplest thesis statements exist as one sentence. The simplest thesis statements are basically a restructuring of the question you answered.
Therefore... If you’re writing about your best day ever, your thesis statement might look like this. The best day I ever had involved a movie theater, a closed swimming pool in the dead of winter, and an Elmer’s restaurant.
Therefore... If you’re writing about one of your scars, your thesis statement might look like this. The scar on my forehead is the result of 500 points, one tetherball pole, and 16 stitches.
Your turn. Turn your three topics into your thesis statement. Do it now. YAY!
But. You’re not done. You’ve still got to work on that introduction. Because this: The scar on my forehead is the result of 500 points, one tetherball pole, and 16 stitches. Isn’t anywhere near good enough. You’ve got to LEAD UP TO IT.
Explain your topic first. Everyone has a scar somewhere. Most of them are on our arms and legs. Some people have few scars, and some people have very few parts of their body that aren’t scarred. I have several scars, but only a few are very noticeable.The scar on my forehead, for example, is the result of 500 points, one tetherball pole, and 16 stitches. Because a thesis statement is your whole essay in one sentence. You don’t want to give it away right away.
Back to the drawing board How have I outlined my story? Everyone has a scar somewhere. Most of them are on our arms and legs. Some people have few scars, and some people have very few parts of their body that aren’t scarred. I have several scars, but only a few are very noticeable.The scar on my forehead, for example, is the result of 500 points, one tetherball pole, and 16 stitches. Outline { story Tell me. Let’s simplify a little more. story Tell me. story Tell Me. wrap-up Tell me what you told me.
Your Turn. You already made a list of your three major topics. LEAD UP TO your thesis statement.
Do it for justin.