How do I compose a strong thesis statement for my informational research essay?
Introductions! Let me hook you, give you some strong background information, and let you know what my essay will be about.
INTRODUCTION : HOOK – Your Attention Grabber Brief discussion/explanation of topic Thesis Statement clearly stating opinion or point of view on topic How will we write this paper once we’ve finished researching and gathering our sources?
BODY PARAGRAPHS (each sub-topic will be 2 paragraphs): Explanation of Sub-Topic # 1 Supporting Evidence (supporting evidence may require the use of more than one paragraph to explain a sub-topic) Explanation of Sub-Topic # 2 Supporting Evidence (supporting evidence may require the use of more than one paragraph to explain a sub-topic) Explanation of Sub-Topic # 3 Supporting Evidence (supporting evidence may require the use of more than one paragraph to explain a sub-topic) How will we write this paper once we’ve finished researching and gathering our sources?
MLA – In-Text Citations – How do I use a source’s words and give it proper credit inside my essay? You need three (3) quotes and/or paraphrased citations inside your article
According to Education Week, we have to create “more effective and realistic ways to finance college tuition” (Bradley).
CONCLUSION Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement. Rephrase the thesis statement with fresh and deeper understanding. Your supporting sentences should summarize what you have already said in the body of your essay. Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas! Leave the reader with a thought-provoking sentence to close your essay.