Work-shop «The CP Study» The 12th of July 2013 At the CPU By Kirsten Paaby
«Sustainable development has been successfully localised No longer a distant, theoretical concept but on filled with meaning and evoked in everyday realities» Stefan Kuhn, ICLEI Director for Urban Governance
Local Action has moved the world! Some key findings from the ICLEI-review: «Compared to processes initiated by the public sector…the civil society actors are usually characterized by a higher degree of creativity and willingness to explore new solitions..» «Local sustainability processes are hubs of social innovations.»
CPU 2012
The Context Citizen Participation Active learning University Local Democracy
Learning for Local Democracy the Study The study and the third phase in a global context: A contribution to the UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development Photo: Namsdal Newspaper
The Aim of the Study Systematic picture – wealth and local participation Map concrete experiences – responses to wide spectrum of social challenges To build Intellectual and experiental resources
The Second Phase Case country studies from 11 countries: Croatia, Hungary, Norway, Romania, Slovakia,Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Belarus, Georgia,Serbia
6 Cross-cutting Chapters * Political, Institutional, Legislative Factors * Local Authorities, Institutions, Leadership * Civil Society * Civic Education and Young People * New Technologies and E-Government * Citizenship and Social Inclusion
The UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development – ”learning to change our world”
The Decade promotes: Interdisciplinary and holistic learning Values-based learning Critical thinking Multi-method approaches Participatory decision making Locally relevant information
The Target Groups: Pupils, students Society as a whole Life long learning New competance for action
Ecological loops of learning In partnerships
Third Phase of the study To develop the pilotes of a training module based on the study To be presented, disiminated, evaluated at the CPU in 2014 and 2015 How? Who? What? …………………………..