What’s wrong with this picture? Identify the safety rules that are being followed and those being broken.
Top Ten Rules of Safety 1.Always obtain your instructor’s permission to begin a lab. 2.Study the procedure and ask questions if you don’t understand something. No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. To be sure that you maintain safety in the science lab, it is a good idea to follow the Top Ten Rules of Safety:
Warning Labels What would happen to someone who accidentally got some of this chemical in their eyes? If you were their lab partner, what would be the best thing to do to help?
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets What chemicals are in this product? What are some potential short term and long term affects of using this chemical? What type of chemical is this? Is this chemical highly flammable?
3.Always wear goggles, a safety apron, and any other protective equipment necessary for the lab. 4.Always slant the mouth of a test tube you are heating away from yourself and others. Top Ten Rules of Safety No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. To be sure that you maintain safety in the science lab, it is a good idea to follow the Top Ten Rules of Safety:
5.Never eat or drink anything in the lab. Never inhale chemicals. DO NOT taste any substance or draw any material into your mouth. 6.Wash any spills immediately and report it to your instructor. Top Ten Rules of Safety No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. To be sure that you maintain safety in the science lab, it is a good idea to follow the Top Ten Rules of Safety:
7.Before you start any lab, be sure you know where safety equipment is stored – including the fire extinguisher, safety shower, fire blanket, first aid kit, and fire alarm. Top Ten Rules of Safety No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. To be sure that you maintain safety in the science lab, it is a good idea to follow the Top Ten Rules of Safety:
P. A. S. S. To operate the fire extinguisher remember P-A-S-S P - Pull the Pin A - Aim the hose at the base of the fire from 5-6 feet away. S - Squeeze the handle. S - Sweep the hose back and forth across the fire. On Fire? REMEMBER: Stop, Drop, & Roll!
8.Keep all materials away from open flames. If you have long hair tie it back. 9.If a fire should break out in the lab, or if your clothing catches fire, use a fire blanket or 9- A coat to smother it, then get under the safety shower immediately. NEVER RUN if you are on fire because it will make the flames stronger. Top Ten Rules of Safety No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. To be sure that you maintain safety in the science lab, it is a good idea to follow the Top Ten Rules of Safety:
10.Report any accidents or injury to your instructor, no matter how minor or small they may be! Top Ten Rules of Safety No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. To be sure that you maintain safety in the science lab, it is a good idea to follow the Top Ten Rules of Safety:
Appropriate Clothing Wear: Goggles/safety glasses Closed-toed shoes Clothing made of natural based fiber such as cotton Tie back long hair Do NOT Wear: Sandals Jewelry Loose or Baggy clothing
Lab Safety Equipment Safety ShowerSafety GogglesEye Wash
Lab Safety Equipment Fire Extinguisher Fire Blanket Fume Hood
Lab Safety Symbols (Found in your textbook) Glassware Heat Eye and Face Sharps Electrical Animal Chemical Fire
Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions Flammable – Any substance that will burn if exposed to an open flame. Explosive – A substance that may explode if exposed to heat or flame.
Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions Toxic/Poison – A substance that can lead to death if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by the skin. Corrosive – A substance that can destroy or burn living tissue and can eat away at other materials.
Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions Irritant - A substance that causes inflammation upon contact with skin or mucous membranes. Environmental - Substances that are harmful to the environment. They must be disposed of properly, not washed down the drain.
Accidents and Injuries Report ALL accidents and injuries to your teacher immediately!!! Be aware of safety hazards associated with each chemical you use. Eye accident – Wash the eye with copious amounts of water for at least 15 min. Fire Burns – Stop, Drop, and be covered with a fire blanket or soaked with water. Do not remove clothing stuck to victim. Get medical attention immediately.