Hazardous Waste
1.Toxic: – Arsenic, pesticides, paints, anti-freeze, cleaning products 2.Ignitable – Acetone, gasoline, charcoal fluid 3.Explosive/reactive – Cyanide, chlorine 4.Corrosive – Drano, Easy Off, acids
Hazardous waste This doesn’t cover 95% of the country’s hazardous waste – Radioactive wastes – Household hazardous waste – Mining wastes – Oil- and gas-drilling waste – Liquid waste containing organic hydrocarbon compounds – Cement kiln dust – Wastes from small businesses (<220 lbs/month)
HHW A City’s HHW Center – Dry cell batteries – Televisions, computers, and other electronic waste – Fire extinguisher (dry chemical only) – Florescent light bulbs – Household cleaners – Oil based paints (alternative disposal for latex paint) – Garden chemicals and fertilizers – Mercury thermometers
Harmful Chemicals Lead Mercury Chlorine Dioxins
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Governs the disposal of solid waste and hazardous waste requires tracking system (“cradle to grave”) and regulates storage and disposal Substances must be labeled to indicate level of hazard and have instructions for handling, first aid, and disposal. Labels indicate level of hazard: DANGER: extremely flammable, corrosive, or toxic POISON: highly toxic WARNING or CAUTION: moderately or slightly toxic
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (passed in response to Love Canal) Establishes policy and procedures for hazardous waste disposal. National Priorities List (NPL) - listing of the most serious sites Established funds (Superfund) to cover clean up costs Relatively few sites have been completely cleaned up by superfund.
Strategies to deal with waste: Extended product liability – responsibility on manufacturers Pay as you throw – responsibility on user Change tax and subsidy structure to favor reduction and reuse Bottle bill, mandate refillable containers Strengthen and enforce laws (illegal to put Aluminum in landfill in NC) Discourage unnecessary packaging and disposables Make recycling easier: more containers, more pickup Consume less