Hi How are you?
ch לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
child shild hcild chidl child cheese chease cheese sheese cheese chair shair chaer chair chair children children shildren chilrden children chips chip cships chips pichs kitchen chicken kitshen kitchen kitchen cherries cherries cheries cherry cherries chicken shicken chiken chicken kitchen לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
Child Chicken Chair Ketchup Cherries Children לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
Cheese Kitchen Chocolate Sandwich Chips ketchup לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
Dan is 15 years old. Dan has a birthday. Dan has a party. The children are at his house. Dan is on a chair. He is very happy. The children eat a sandwich. It is a cheese sandwich. “ come here, “ mother says. “ Have some chips and ketchup.” m…m…m… It is very good. The children eat a chocolate cake. They like chocolate cake and cherries. לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
Who has a birthday? ____________________________________ How old is Dan? ____________________________________ What are the children eating? ________________________________ What does mother give the children? __________________________ What is on the cake? ____________________________________ לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
ph פ ה p f לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת
photo photograph phone elephant photographer Daphna Ralph Sophy לאה הלינגר מתי"א פ"ת