Making an Appositive/Renamers Experience! 4-Barrera
What do you notice? Catherine, my lovely grandma, baked a three layer chocolate cake for my birthday even though I have not been very kind to her.
Why use appositives? Sometimes when we write, we want to add new information without creating a new sentence. For example…
Clementine is funny. She is in third grade. She lives in New York. Clementine, a funny third grader, lives in New York.
Let’s ask ourselves, what is being renamed?? Avon, the smartest student in the class, read a book every day.
So what is an appositive?? noun or pronoun -- often with modifiers -- set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it Keith, the boy in rumpled shorts and shirt, did not know he was being watched as he entered room 215 of the Mountain View Inn.
Let’s practice using appositives 1.who + appositive + action + action 2. what + appositive + action + action + where 3. when + who/what + appositive + action + condition