Odd One Out
Key phrases Q: “Which (one) is the odd one out?” A: “(This one) is the odd one out.” Q: “Which (one) does not belong?” A: “(This one) does not belong.”
“Which sheep is the odd one out?”
“The black sheep is the odd one out.”
“Which face does not belong?”
“The yellow face does not belong.”
“Which bird is the odd one out?”
“The yellow duck is the odd one out.”
“Which animal does not belong?”
“The owl does not belong.”
“Which apple does not belong?”
“The red apple does not belong.”
“Which cat is the odd one out?”
“The cat on the left is the odd one out.”
Let’s play a game!
orange apple lettuce banana
octopus lobster shark dog
February Saturday October April
Blue Pink Five Yellow
부 산부 산 서 울서 울 대 구대 구 전남전남
shoes gloves slippers socks
ice cream jalapeno chocolate cake lollipop
Hands Mouth Eyes Nose
bus race car taxi bicycle/bike
France Italy Brazil England
Paris Italy Germany England
Super Junior Lady Gaga Girls Generation Backstreet Boys
volleyball basketball golfsoccer
Piano Drums Fan Guitar
sofa/couch toilet chair scale
cow puppy kitten piglet
Rain Hail 우박 Snow Sun
jacket cellphone glasses belt
Airplane Tree Kite Bird
TV refrigerator stove blender
Gold Car House Pencil
metal cans newspapers plastic bottles
newspapers photo albums textbooks map
Finding Nemo The Lion KingShrek Toy Story