不完全的爆破音 Incomplete Plosion
爆破音 [b][p][d][t][g][k] 相邻时 actor suitcase lamppost blackboard handbag hot dog a bad cold
爆破音 [b][p][d][t][g][k] 相邻时 She too k goo d care of children. I don’ t believe tha t Bobby is a ba d boy.
爆破音 [b][p][d][t][g][k] 在其他 辅音前时 picture object eighth grandchild bloodthirsty friendly mostly outside midsummer midnight
爆破音 [b][p][d][t][g][k] 在其他 辅音前时 Goo d morning! I don’ t know. I don’ t like the way Fran k talks. Have you rea d the book abou t tha t child?
爆破音 [b][p][d][t][g][k] 在其他 辅音前时 We hear d Davi d sing las t night. I’m convinc ed that Charlie has ma de the righ t choice. I woul d li ke to have a little piece of tha t chocola te cake.