SpringBoard 1.11
In the first part of this unit, you read short stories and studied elements that help create a writer’s style. By writing your own short story, you started developing your own writing style. In this last part of the unit, you will continue looking at style, but this time through the lens of film. By viewing a specific director’s films, you will make connections between the choices that writer’s make with words and the choices that directors make with film techniques.
In the first half of this unit, you learned about writing style. You learned that the choices a writer makes in subject matter, diction, syntax, imagery, point of view, structure, and tone all help to characterize a writer’s style. Using these elements, how would you describe your writing style?
Glue the excerpt into your Literacy Notebook. The excerpt analyzes elements of Edgar Allan Poe’s writing style. As you read the essay, mark key details that describe Poe’s style. Annotate each element of style in the margin.
Based on the Poe text, what do you think are the stylistic characteristics of the work of Edgar Allan Poe?
Select a novel from the AP reading list that has been turned into a film. 1. Reading plan (with parent approval) 2. Read novel – analyze author’s style 3. Storyboard and Style board 4. Watch film – analyze director’s style 5. Read biography on director – look for influences
Planning Sheet EkDug5-tj0I5-b0Ruc0- aEG1w23ZeFLj2Bby3I/edit
How would you describe the style of ______? Elements of Style: Diction Imagery Point of view Structure Subject matter Syntax Tone Use !, *, ? to capture your thinking. As you read, be on the lookout for these elements. Annotate your thinking using the commentary starters.