The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe A tale of humor and suspense in one short story…a story of death and deceit…a tale that took half a century to “unearth.” Heh, heh, heh, heh… Characters include: Fortunato-a man ironically named because he is NOT so fortunate Montressor-a man who has been insulted by Fortunato
A small hint of what is to come! Image taken from Tales of Mystery and Imagination Illustrated by Harry Clarke. Originally published/produced in G. G. Harrap and Co.: London, G. G. Harrap and Co.: London, Song about the story: "The Cask Of Amontillado (Original 1976 Version)" by The Alan Parsons Project (Google Play iTunes AmazonMP3)The Alan Parsons ProjectGoogle PlayiTunesAmazonMP3 Alan Parsons Project song with sketches: =4&list=PL9B408DF64F8F2FAA Lyrics for song: Nice reading aloud for you (17 minutes): Poe documentary (41 minutes): Graphic classic: Pedro Lopez debuted in 2003 with a comic adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Cask of Amontillado', created for American publisher Graphic Classics. Ask Mrs. Warren to see her personal copy.
Setting: Italy at carnival or Mardi Gras time
Three kinds of irony are in the story: 1. Dramatic irony-the words or actions are clear to the audience but not to the character in the drama 2. Verbal irony-the speaker says one thing but means another 3. Situational irony-the reverse happens from what is expected Make SURE you can recognize the specific types of irony when you read examples.
Theme-a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly Themes in The Cask of Amontillado:
As you read, note the style of Poe. How would you define his style? Creepy, psychologically uncomfortable, scary, mean, torturous, dark, deceitful and dualistic How does he create this style? 1.Suspense by describing scary surroundings 2.Diction carefully chosen to create uncomfortableness 3.Sentence structures that create suspense: long sentences, short sentences. 4.Characters who think one way and act another with malicious intent 5.Imagery of dark, sticky, scary, uncomfortable surroundings in a remote location 6.Having characters with secret intents and motives that are harmful 7.Comparison of a happy time (Mardi Gras) with a sad, violent time (murder/death) 8.Masks settings, motives 9.Comparison of happy time or revelry with violent time of torture and murder