Lawrence Lau TJUH Emergency Medicine PGY-1
CVC Insertion with US Guidance US procedural guidance has become standard of care in placing central venous catheters Numerous studies show increased success, decreased arterial puncture, decreased PTX with US guidance CXR to confirm placement is ordered to confirm placement
Placement in accessory vein (white) Arterial placement (black) Placement in right subclavian artery Curled catheter tip
Questions Can US Guidance be used to confirm placement of CVC in SVC? Can this approach minimize time to use of CVC?
CVC Identification in SVC BY EXCLUSION: IJV insertion Scan IJV b/l, Subclavian vein, heart chambers, IVC Subclavian insertion Subclavian vein, IJV b/l, heart chambers, IVC
Matsushima et al. (2010) Study: Prospective Blinded Study Population: SICU patients requiring CVC or PICC Method: One intensivist placing lines, one blinded sonographer, 5 & 13 mHz (sonosite) Evaluated: PTX/hemoTX, Catheter tip placement in cardiac or SVC All catheters evaluated by CXR and certified radiologist Time to catheter evaluation recorded
Matsushima et al. (2010) Results 83 catheters evaluated, 42 CVC Only 1 CVC false negative case (IJ in INV) Accuracy US Sono 90% (PPV 83%, NPV 91%) ○ Accuracy 93% if only 1 catheter (NPV 95%) Mean sono time 10.8min Mean CXR 75.3 min (p<001) Confounding factors to US technique ○ Patients with chest tubes, trauma pts Nonconfounding ○ Obesity, open abdomen, c-collar
Zanobetti et al. (2012) Study: Prospective blind observational Population: Level 1 Tertiary care center ED patients Placement by ED physicians/residents, US by same physician/resident US training according to ACEP guidelines Bedside CXR to confirm placement
Zanobetti et al. (2012) Results 210 patients US interpretation in 5+/- 3 min Time to CXR 65 +/- 74 min 5 PTX correctly identified by US and CXR US PPV 91%, NPV 93% Concordance kappa 82% p< ○ Only 4% clinically relevant discordance Confounding US visualization ○ Multiple catheters, pacemaker leads, chest wall abnormalities (6 cases)
Geckle (July 2015) Consecutive Prospective study Population: 81 ED patients >18 years 13 excluded for improper sono recordings CVC placed by ED Physician, verified by parasternal/SX cardiac US with Saline Flush test CXR ordered for confirmation
Saline Flush Test
Geckle (July 2015) Results Time to CVC confirmation with saline flush mean 8.80 minutes vs CXR 100% concordance between modalities No discordance with evaluation of complications (PTX)
Take home points US guidance prospectively has good NPV and PPV for confirming placement of CVC US decreases time to confirmation compared to CXR Populations with increased missed placement include Chest wall abnormalities Trauma patients Patients with chest tubes Patients with more than one CVC
References Geckle et. Al. Saline Flush Test: Can Bedside Sonography Replace Conventional Radiography for Confirmation of Above-the-Diaphragm Central Venous Catheter Placement? J Ultrasound Med Jul;34(7): doi: /ultra J Ultrasound Med. Braviskar et. Al. Confirmation of endovenous placement of central catheter using the ultrasonographic “bubble test” Indian J Crit Care Med Jan; 19(1): 38–41. doi: / / Zanobetti et. Al. Verification of correct central venous catheter placement in the emergency department: comparison between ultrasonography and chest radiography. Intern Emerg Med Mar;8(2): doi: /s Epub 2012 Dec 16.Intern Emerg Med. Matsushima et al. Bedside ultrasound can safely eliminate the need for chest radiographs after central venous catheter placement: CVC sono in the surgical ICU (SICU). J Surg Res Sep;163(1): doi: /j.jss Epub 2010 May 11.J Surg Res.