Choose your homework task from the menu. By half term you must have completed 2 starters, 2 mains and 2 desserts. Specials This is optional Each week you will need to complete 1 task of your choice – this is to be handed in on a Tuesday. Being the best we can be, together’ With compliments Broomgrove Junior School, Broome Grove, Wivenhoe, Colchester, Essex CO7 9QB TUwww.broomgrovejuniors Headteacher: Mr Matthew Fuller ‘Being the best we can be, together’ With compliments Year 3 presents... Takeaway Homework Menu How to order Ug! Stone Age to Iron Age Specials Make a short film/video explaining something you have learnt this half term. Save video and it to school.
MAINSSTARTERSDESSERTS 1. Using your topic spellings write sentences. 2. Find 5 nouns, 5 adjectives, and 5 verbs in your reading book. Write them on the sheet in your home learning book 3. Write sentences telling us what an archaeologist does. 4. Be the Teacher. Using a coloured pen put in the missing punctuation. From the piece of writing in your book. 1. Write an Information text on Mammoths. 2. Create a word search using Stone Age vocabulary. 3. Using a computer or non- fiction book, find 5 interesting facts about the Stone age. Write them as a fact file or “Did you Know” page. Make it colourful and eye-catching. 4. Write a set of instructions of your choice. 1. Draw a scene from Stone Age times. Remember to carefully label your work. 2. Write a poem about Autumn. You can use any style of poem. 3. Make a model of Stonehenge. 4. Draw a new front cover for “Stone Age Boy”.
back to menu 9) ‘4 Pics 1 Word’
back to menu 10) 10 Question worksheet
back to menu 11) Revision Poster
back to menu 12) Catchphrase
back to menu 13) Newspaper/Magazine Article
back to menu 14) Lets Get Quizzy
back to menu 15) Album
back to menu 16) Concept Wall Card
back to menu 17) 100 Word Challenge
back to menu 18) Logo
back to menu 19) 2 facts and a lie 1) The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees 2) The sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is a 180 degrees 3) The exterior angles of a triangle sum to 360 degrees
back to menu 20) Poem Hey diddle diddle the median’s the middle you add and divide for the mean The mode is the one that appears the most and the range is the difference between
back to menu 21) Numeracy
back to menu 22) Learning Journal/Blog
back to menu 23) Video For example...
back to menu 24) Exam Paper
back to menu 25) Playing Cards
back to menu 26) Comic Strip
back to menu 27) Top Trumps