YEAR 2 ( ) Medium Term Planning Term 1


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Presentation transcript:

YEAR 2 (2015-16) Medium Term Planning Term 1 Compiled by Mr M Lamprell

Theme: Living Things & their Habitats Year 2 – Autumn Term 1 Theme: Living Things & their Habitats LITERACY Riddles & Performance Poetry Reading: To respond to a variety of poems that include different patterns, sounds words and structure. (Provide practical activity to explore the pattern i.e. adding music, movement etc.) To identify and explain why the pattern is used; what effect does it have (on the reader and listener)? Outcome: Children can listen and perform poems, identifying different patterns in their language use and structure. Writing: Select and discuss a specific poem pattern/modelling the aspects. To develop riddle & poetic language and vocabulary (onomatopoeia) To perform a written poem and suggest how you can develop it To understand simple poetry criteria To compare and contrast different patterns (rhyme; acrostic) To share, discuss and evaluate Outcome: Children understand how to play with inventive language and can create a variety of particular patterns. Children can create a poem of their own. .

Theme: Living Things & their Habitats Year 2 – Autumn Term 1 Theme: Living Things & their Habitats MATHS Number To count forward from 0 in steps of 2 and 4, and 5 and 10s. To compare numbers to 20 using < > and = signs To memorise and re-call number bonds to 9+9 To calculate simple missing numbers To partition 2 digit numbers into 10s and 1s To solve one step word problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers to 9+9 To record partition diagrams To add multiples of 10 to 1 and 2 digit numbers To count forward and backwards from 0 in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s and apply Measurement To read and record times in clock language To recognise the difference between hours and minutes To be able to count in 5 minutes To use scales to weigh items ranging 0-100 grams To be able to make accurate weight estimations Shape To name common 2D shapes To identify simple properties of shapes Draw straight lines and familiar shapes using a ruler accurately To generate and replicate patterns of 2D shapes To explain the difference between 2D shapes using vocabulary

Theme: Living Things & their Habitats Year 2 – Autumn Term 1 Theme: Living Things & their Habitats GEOGRAPHY Aerial Views What does the world look like from a bird’s point of view? To use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school; surrounding environment; town; country etc. To label a diagram/map using geographical knowledge To describe some physical features of their environment To describe key features from an aerial view (beach, forest, mountain etc.); this could be then progressed onto towns – reading maps and identifying features (post office, school etc.) HISTORY What was my area like in the past? Can children explain how their local area was different in the past? To use chronological language To explore different landscapes and settings To explain why these areas/buildings were as they were. Analyse photographs and pictures from different decades (of the school, town etc.)

Theme: Living Things & their Habitats Year 2 – Autumn Term 1 Theme: Living Things & their Habitats SCIENCE Living things and their habitats Why would a dinosaur not make a good pet? (clear links to Literacy texts in Terms 1 & 2) To explore and compare differences between things that are dead, living and things that have never been alive To explain what is a habitat and why an organism would live there? To explore micro-habitats To develop ideas that are linked to adaptations To describe simple food chains and identify different sources of food ICT To explain why it’s important to be safe online (and advise my family) To know what a computer is To name key software and hardware vocabulary To label key parts to a computer I can open, edit and save work

Theme: Living Things & their Habitats Year 2 – Autumn Term 1 Theme: Living Things & their Habitats DT Mouldable Materials Can we design our own bedroom door name signs? To select from a range of materials according to their characteristics To plan, edit and improve To describe their design through diagrams and words ART Drawing What is a ‘still life’ anyway? To use three different grades of pencil in their drawing To experience using charcoal, pencil and pastels To understand how and why we create different tones for effect To edit and improve To be able to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it RE How do Christians, Jews and Muslims say ‘thank you’ to God for the natural world? To explore the similarities and differences between the three religions To recall and name different beliefs and practices (festivals, worship, ways of life etc.) To express personal feelings that happen in the community

Theme: Living Things & their Habitats Year 2 – Autumn Term 1 Theme: Living Things & their Habitats PE TBC See the new ‘Greenacre Scheme of Work’ for details. MUSIC PSHE