Chapter 16 turn to page 344
Indian attacks increased during the...
Civil War because most of the men left...
to fight in the war
company- an organized group or unit of soldiers
Comanches & Kiowas raided the settlers
Indians pushed the frontierline...
eastward miles
Cynthia Ann Parker was captured & raised by Comanches
Quanah Parker became the most powerful Comanche chief
First Battle of Adobe Walls- Kit Carson & a few hundred...
men held off thousands of Indians
After the Civil War, the first soldiers were sent to enforce reconstruction...
-not to protect settlers from Indians
Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek-Some Indians agreed to live...
on the new reservation in Indian territory
Indian territory- Oklahoma
The Indians traded cattle & horses for guns from the traders...
known as Comancheros
buffalo soldiers- black soldiers...
who fought the Indians
video-buffalo soldiers
Henry Flipper- first black man to graduate from West Point
Quakers became the agents on the reservations...
because earlier agents had been dishonest
Kiowas under Satanta attacked..
a wagon train at Salt Creek
After the Salt Creek Raid,...
Gen. Sherman decided...
that the army would need to make war on the Indians
Satanta was sentenced to life in prison...
for the Salt Creek Raid
parole- a monitored release of a prisoner
Col. Mackenzie led the army’s...
war against the Indians
The Texas Rangers also fought the Indians
The buffalo hunters were...
killing all of the buffalo
to survive The Indians needed buffalo to survive
2 nd Battle of Adobe Walls- a few buffalo...
hunters with long-range buffalo guns...
held off hundreds of Indians
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon- Mackenzie...
surprised the Comanches,...
destroyed their supplies,...
& killed their horses
The Comanches were forced to go to the reservations...
1.they had no horses...
2. they had no food, teepees or supplies...
3. most of the buffalo had been killed
4. it was the middle of winter
Buffalo hunters video